Anyone interested in an antiquarian and collectible books group? I haven't been able to find one, but please point it out to me if i have missed it.
Join the antique group
I looked at the antiques group and it seems to be focussed very much on furniture, and vintage rather than antique, which I suppose is bound to be the case in a fairly young country. My interest is in pre-1850 books, bindings, interesting collections, and so on. I think there would probably not be a great deal of interest, but small groups have good conversations, too.
@CeliaVL It is open to anyone with any type of antiques. Just because there is no one in there yet who has antique books doesn't mean they aren't welcome. But, if it's not for you, then by all means, create your own group. BTW, the correct term for antique is over 100 years old and, in some cases, items over 50 years old are considered antique. Therefore, everything posted so far in the group has been antique, not vintage (which, by definition is just 20 years old to 50 years old or 100 years old depending on which definition of antique you choose). So, furniture from around 1900 is antique....but so are cars from the 1950s. However, clothing from the 1970s would still be "vintage".
@SkotlandSkye I'm sure you are right. It is a little different in the antiquarian book world though. I will keep an eye on the Antiques group for now, and see what turns up.