Capitalism is the worse system in the world ... except for any other that's been tried.
the vast majority of people don't agree with your premise because it is not true. Capitalism run amok is a big problem, but it does not have to be that way.
If you are espousing some form of Marxism, you are just as deluded as religious zealots. You are making the huge reasoning error of substituting a political total idelo0logy for a religious one. I studied the core beliefs and practices of Marxism, including Marx's THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, DAS KAPITAL, and the writings of Egnels, Trotsky, and Mao, and studies of the structure and practices of communism and I can assure you that Marxism is just as flawed as religion. If you want the truth about the huge ideological flaws in Marxism, you should read THE NEW CLASS by Milovan Djilas. Djilas was an avowed Marxist who rose to become vice-president of Yugoslavia. But, he grew to really understand the ideology and its effects and become disillusioned. He spent 20 years in prison for writing the book.
I have no more use for Marxist true believers than I do for religious true believers.
Perhaps the ideas were correct but the people who applied them were flawed.
Mic drop.
@blend Just as you said, you do not know me, either. No, you may not assume that I am a supporter of unbridled capitalism. I support social democracy in the European model. When responding to my remarks please make the time and effort to read exactly what I SAID, SO THAT YOUR PRESUMPTIONS DO NOT TAKE COMMAND.
Alas, you are wrong again. I studied American intellectual history, including social movements, while in graduate school. Again, I hope that you are not advocating anarchism --it has never accomplished anything except chaos and destruction.
No capitalism is rampant in this administration. Before I retired money wasn't an issue. Now it definitely is. However I think this country places too much emphasis on things, not people. I once worked on a kibbutz in Israel-everyone regardless of position in the community takes turns doing chores just like everybody else. Its true socialism.
labels ruin everything...
Yes, labels and wrong interpretation is a bitch. When knowing I can agree with an adverage person said by 95,percent and disagree with them by 5 percent.
Capitalism is a simply free market of exchange, not to harm.
Corperationism facist is what we are really taking about,. People fear being hit by these greedy elitists bastards who are the worst criminals in this world. I can't live within a lie and in fear, my daughter is the same.
The problem with capitalism is the parasites who demand to benefit from the toil, suffering, and sacrifices done by the few. Too much? Should I drop the Mic now?
When you make an accusation against any person or group of people, you should at least provide some data to prove your allegations. You have no way of knowing whether or not "no one wants to see the main problem..."
I think you'll find as you read more comment more thoroughly, that there's quite a robust conversation going on about capitalism.
Wow, you're really one to make assumptions aren't you. I'm guessing that facts and data probably mean nothing to you. See, I can play that game too. I suspect you're probably on the wrong site. There are tons of conspiratorial sites out there where you might be a better fit. By the way, I have data for this:
I think it's a bit odd that capitalism is the reason you have a competing site like to whine about capitalism on.
The American system is absolute garbage and is a horrible representation of what capitalism is supposed to be, but torn down to ideals it's not a bad thing at all. Neither is socialism. In practice, it all turns to garbage.
Is it all about idealism then? What about reality? What is it that makes you so negative in my view? In practice I agree with most of what you say.
One of the best answers i have seen! Nowadays one longs only for a bleach solution to wash the government clean!
@Mcflewster Capitalism is an "ideal" system. It is fine. "Crony Capitalism" is the American way and is garbage. I don't understand your 2nd question.
Capitalism is the fairest and most logical form of market. the very definition of capitalism displays it. Capitalism is according to every dictionary. The mutual exchange of goods or services between two willing parties. This means both parties or individuals must agree to the terms. nobody is forces into the transaction, it is voluntary,. if one party does not agree they can look for goods or services elsewhere. this is why America is the leading country in innovation and new product. The company who sells the newest, best, or effective, product service, medicine, ect. for the best price, stays in business and the company who provides bad service or high prices goes out of business,. this is simple economics and EVERY EDUCATED person, person and Harvard or prinsten Professor from as far back at the fitey that I have heard say that Capitalism is the BEST form of economy to grow a nation and to get people out of poverty.
Capitalism with a social system has worked best so far. Closest thing to transforming happiness in a national gross product.
Still the better Goverments are small Government with the larger landmass per capita- per person. Hierarchy and democracy can never work well for the majority. Going into this topic deeply on this site, is not worth it. For too many here are afraid of it and lack knowledge and history to challenge it.
As I see it the problem with capitalism is just the same as with any other ideology, it relies upon humans to make it work and we are evolved to be self preservationist and motivated towards short-term rewards.
When our actions have direct impact on large populations of strangers, we don't necessarily make decisions that benefit them.
There is no reason why you don't create a "communists dating website" but You Will Have To Make It State Owned or Will Be a Betrayal... Yet... You are Welcome Here. I am with you about money being the root of all evil and all that but We Are Going To Have Fun Here Because We Want To Have Fun. I am on Phase 3, no time for rebellions or revolutions. I am from the 60's By the time I was 18, I already been tear gassed 3 times, once in my high school as a sophomore, so when the Navy tested me with tear gas during boot camp, It was a joke to me. Welcome.
I certainly don't disagree. I stated the other day that inflation occurs because too many people want more than their fair share of the pie.
@KevinJohnston - Just a metaphor. When I see corporate CEOs paying themselves outlandish salaries and penny pinching with with employee salaries and benefits, this is taking more than their share. Who on earth works hard enough or otherwise worth millions of dollars a year. The position may be irreplaceable, but they are.
I remember Ron Paul correcting Michael Moore on this Movie title: Capitalism, A love:
Ron said the problem is Corperationism, not Capitalism.
If we don't understand the huge difference between capitalism vs. corporatism. We will never recognize the source of good intentions with free markets vs the unlimited money supply of the NWO, Centro banks and Military complex fascist.
Capitalism is an economic system that recognizes individual rights while corporatism is a political and economic system that seeks social justice and equality among individuals.
The key player in a capitalist society is the individual who must work for his own well being while the central figure in a corporatist society is the political community that must work for the individual’s self-fulfillment and happiness.
Capitalism is an individualist society while corporatism is collectivist.
Labor issues in capitalism are resolved through collective bargaining while corporatism tackles such issues through negotiation.
Ohferpetessake! Ask a concrete question and you will get a whole gamut of answers! Generalizations about the people on this site, through the filter of your preconceptions, however, bore & annoy me, for at least one.
@blend 1)I have spent my life, and especially nowadays, on the alert to repel generalizations about groups of people...the first, but a major, descent into racism, bullying, and the gas ovens. 2) Since I worked in a shipyard for 13 years, and other male-heavy environments, be glad I settled on ohferpetessake. Because I could blister your hide off if I wasn't on my best behavior. 3) I treasure this site as a wonderful place for intelligent discussion, it is a rare gem! I will not allow it to be sullied by those who love to label others, no matter how "cutely sarcastic" they think themselves
@blend consider "ohferpetessake" Religious??????????????
I hear more and more criticism of capitalism as I grow older.