Props to the airlines & other companies for opposing the child separation issue, telling HHS to stop using their properties for this purpose. Take that you Creep In Chief!
Asylum seekers are not illegal aliens. . Women & babies fleeing terrorism are not MS13 Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor. The terrorists came thru Canada. 55,000 illegal Irish. But as you have said before, you "don't give a fuck".
@Countrywoman If they crossed over the boarder into the country without permission, they're illegal aliens. Their gender or age has nothing to do with it.. MOST of the terrorist came in (legally) on a jet with a temporary visa. 55k lrish? l don't care if they were lrish or British or what ever, they're still illegal aliens. Facts are facts, get use to it.
@Captain_Feelgood It is a misdemeanor to cross the border. Asylum seekers are not criminals. Their children were taken from them. What is that you are holding in your arms on your avatar? Give thanks you are not fleeing for your lives.....until you are. Compassion doesn't suit you I guess. But then" I could give a fuck" to quote someone.