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You get to a age or point where you just don't seem to fit in with people you've known a long time and including family. Are there others out there like this? It's difficult to cultivate a new beginning, Suggestions?

Reikiluv 4 June 22

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Yes, i have experienced similar alienation, mine or theirs, each time i have self-actualized. As I reached my 60s, and foresaw that my life was about to significantly change again, personally and professionally, i began to prepare. It is about managing change and changing.

I have found that as we let go who we had been, we also have to change how we do many things to be comfortable with the person we are becoming; physically certainly, but also emotionally.

William Bridges' books and transition models are and have been helpful to many people challenged by life's changes.


When you find those rare diamonds, you treasure them and it makes wading through all the chaff and dross worth it. There are times when it gets slim, especially as we get older and many people cave into the false security of an imaginary friend or just stop reaching out to the world, cocooning instead. The choice becomes between staying awake and alive or going back to sleep and the peaceful dreams that are the delusions of religion. Either you rage against it or you succumb to it, we all have choices to make.


The joy of being an outlier. Over the years time has worn the corners off most of the square pegs.

Kimba Level 7 June 22, 2018

I have never fit in with my family/relatives so that isn't anything new. I recently found some childhood friends halfway around the world on FB. I went to a Christian private school as a young child and these friends were my classmates. After awhile, I had to unfriend most of them because all they talk about is god and religion, and they criticize me on everything that went against their beliefs. I'm a bit more distant these days from my friends since I became vegan. With social media, I can still keep up to date on them yet maintain a little distance. It's the same with family. Physical distance helps to maintain a decent relationship with them at least for me. Occasional face to face is fine and I can leave and have my own space most of the time.


Yes it is not easy, especially for men. One's family you cannot do much about, no matter what and how they think, they are still your family. I think that living by example is a good way of showing people that it is ok to be different and have other views then their own. It is when we or they get defensive that problems start. If they start to pray you can always go to the toilet or go home with a smile on your face, just be gracious and hope that they cotton on and will be gracious back. You may have to spend a lot of time in the toilet though.


I find you need to have new people come in to your life....just like a business with no new customers, you cannot survive long-term...they die, move away, etc etc etc. Join groups with similar interests, get new interests, new friends will come naturally.


Yeah, getting that way. I joined the UU fellowship locally as there is no dogma to believe. Otherwise I just keep looking and have met 2 woman on here for friendships. There are more of us out there than you would think, just need to keep open to finding them.


Just do things you truly like to do and your people will find you...I was at my nail salon and met a woman that was immediately like a sister to me! It is never too late. I have moved 32 times and have always had to do new beings are meant to find each other.


Black sheep here. Been trying and failing to find a niche for a long time. Let me know if you get any really good ideas.

Me too, at least according to some people's perceptions. But that is my niche. i'm comfortable with it, and so are many others who can accept me as i am, with all my peccadilloes. Unpredictable yet dependable is how one friend put it. LLOL

@josephr I like that description. (I also like the word peccadilloes.)

@pixiedust Thank you. Sounds better than flaws, doesn't it. LLOL

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