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Brazilian journalist Júlia Guimarães's response when a stranger tried to kiss her during a live TV broadcast is brilliant


Jnei 8 June 26

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0 is full of various lotharios, hooligans, punks, losers, lunatics and yahoos queing up to despense mayhem at the meere sight of a camera microphone or unfortunate female anchor...minding their own business and trying to do their job.

The last thing they need is to have to put up with this crap..



Meep70 Level 7 June 26, 2018

That was awesome!


Good for her. No need to be polite!

I would consider her response pretty polite. She showed restraint in the way she handled that

@Leeshi Definitely! She was very polite, considering the sort of less polite response she could have made - and, had she have done, would have been entirely justifiable!


good response. funny someone else posted this at the exact same moment as you

btroje Level 9 June 26, 2018
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