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I recently made a post that referenced a hideous creature called Alzheimer's Disease. It was intended to be humorous but, for understandable reasons, not everyone found it funny. To those that were offended, I do apologize for crossing a line. I failed to see that the line existed.

To those same individuals I offer this as perhaps a bit of solace:

My mother is currently in a state of dementia. So, I hear you and I sympathize with you and those in your family who have suffered through this debilitating and gut-wrenching situation.

I don't make jokes like that to be intentionally insensitive to what you and your loved ones have experienced. I make jokes like that simply because I'd rather find a reason to laugh or actually MAKE a reason to laugh rather than cry.

This wasn't about you. This wasn't about your family or their pain. This wasn't about my own mother's pain or the pain it brings to my family. This was about alleviating my own pain. That's what laughter does. And, if you lose the ability to laugh in the face of chaos and terror then, the disease takes more than just the life of the individual dying from it.

My mother will die not knowing who she is. Not knowing her husband. My mother will die not knowing me. If I sit and dwell on that shit then, part of me dies too.

Fuck that. I'm not going down with anything before it's my time.

I make jokes. Those of you who follow me know that. What most don't realize is that comedy comes from pain. And sometimes the jokes just aren't funny. But, dammit... I try. Because I don't want to cry.


Duke 8 June 26

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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I was going to make a response but I forgot what I was going to say. Must be the early onset of Alzheimer’s, except that it ain’t that early.

HAAAAAHAHA! Brilliant!


I had an aunt and grandfather die of complications from Alz and relate to your need for comic relief. There's a reason that phrase exists, people! You are an amazingly funny and kind man. So glad to find and follow you.


well put. I missed the joke but I hope it made you laff


I do not know you Duke and I did not see the post of which you speak, but I have lost both my father and grandfather to alzheimers. It is not a joking matter. To watch you loved ones disappear while still in plain sight is difficult and heart wrenching. I do not want to live through that pain ever again in my life.


People. Effing people. So effing sensitive about every fucking thing. Full well KNOWING what fucking over sensitive hypocrites they are when no one is looking.


I make jokes about myself having a 10 second memory- it helps me cope and also informs people that I am not always the sharpest knife in the box any more - It is scary to me that my memory isn't as fluid as it was and joking helps - I live in sheltered accommodation (which actually doesnt provide very much shelter) sometimes I make excuses just for myself but not to my real friends.

jacpod Level 8 July 10, 2018
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