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It appears to me, with the Orange Idiot getting to appoint a new Justice, that it is Back To The 50's!
Ladies, how to avoid being raped and blamed for it, ,plus 1001 uses for those wire coat hangers.
Gays/transgender, et al, brush up on those "passing skills"
People of color, learn to keep quiet & how to talk "respectful" around whites.
My on-line classes, for these situations and many others, are only $39.95 each, and will give you the skills you need to survive our new civilization.
Or, for $99.95, i offer parts lists and complete plans for "Build your own Guillotine".
So many choices!

AnneWimsey 9 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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The damage is done for a long time.

Marine Level 8 June 30, 2018

There has not been a single morning since Nov 2016 that I've not woken with fury and dread of what stupid piece of shit was going to fall out of Trump's mouth that day. Knowing that maybe one out of any two people I might talk to are one of his trolls has not improved my opinion of people in general. Look what a mess we are in. I would not piss any of then out if they were on fire.

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