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Have any of you seen negative consequences from the repeal of the Affordable Care Act? I have. I was scheduled for a dr appointment this morning. Last night I got a call from a nurse. Said that the tests I needed they wanted $750 for plus the co-pay. I almost defecated in my pants! I have insurance, the same insurance I've had since born (goes through the farms). They always paid 90%, but I had to pay $50 co-pay. I had a $15,000 back surgery in 2013. Had to pay $1500. This was just an untrasound to check cholesterol. My dad has high cholesterol. He said that all they would say is stop eating red meat and exercise more. I love fish, might as well get on more of that. A salmon steak is awesome. Talipia I like. I usually don't go for fried things. Boneless skinless chicken breasts, a fish filet with just a little butter (if it tastes muddy). I told the nurse to cancel the appointment. She tried to convince me several times to not cancel. Well we have a payment plan. I said I can't or won't pay for it. When she found out I really wanted to cancel, she said she would forward me to the line to cancel. I told her she could do it. I don't have anything against a medical doctor, but doctors and thieves both wear masks. Never in my 34 years of life have been asked to pay that much money for a visit. Ever.

TheGreatShadow 9 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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i have health insurance but when i do a test i self-pay. last time i self payed but they still sent me a bill for over $500. i payed 150 for the test when i self payed...and that was paid in full. what they are doing is charging the insurance co as much as they can and then the insurance isn't paying for it all and passing the bill to i hear bcbs is not wanting to pay for emergency room if it turns out it wasn't an emergency.


Yes plus they want to remove billions from medicare and medicade. I know a couple who has three children and dad has LGD and is in a wheel chair or bed. He cannot speak or indicate in any way what might be wrong. Without medicade they will be forced to divorce so he can get treatment. Now isn't that ridiculous They have lost their home and all the money they save for the children's education. This is a crime just because dad is ill. Anything the mother earns must meet a % of the care being received and if it goes over they loose the care. Just plain stupid.

Marine Level 8 June 30, 2018

That's just plain fucked.


Medicare is next, you watch

He's already cutting social security. That's fucked.


I have this never ceasing fear of finding myself in the midst of a major medical crisis because of cost issues. If that happens, I hope I just die on the table.

For non-emergencies I go overseas to either Costa Rica or Thailand for medical care. I can buy a plane ticket and hotel room and get what I need done finished for less than it would cost me for just the medical care here in the US.

That is fucked up! Not you, but the system is! Insurance companies are charged MORE than cash pay! Talk about a swindle. We are supposed to be the best country in the world! We spend about 1/3 of our budged on defense. However, we can't afford health care! Some Asshole ran up the bill! Hell, even Cuba has free health care! One of the poorest counties! Make America sick again!

@TheGreatShadow got that right about insurance being charged way more than if you paid by cash


It will only get worse as the Great Society is being dismantled. It began with Reagan & the finale will be this President's policies.

Sadly true.

It actually started with nixon. Remember watergate? We almost had universal, but he figured out he could make money off of it! Does that sound like anyone you know? Someone that "reformed" our care act? Just to give tax cuts to the rich... Claims he has no conflict of interest, but I'd bet my ass he is bennifiting from it, in one way, shape, or form...

@TheGreatShadow True. But I felt that since he added the EPA I would start the dismantling with "The Great Communicator". Ketsup as vegetable. Trees cause pollution. Bust those air traffic controllers.

@TheGreatShadow HE is shorting the stock market.

@Countrywoman I've never heard keatsup is a veggie. If true, Diet Coke is a veggie.

@TheGreatShadow Per Ronald Reagan... Ketchup is to be considered a veggie for federally subsidized school lunch programs.

@SageDave If that's a veggie, then I'm a rocket scientist. Even if it would classify as a veggie, you'd have to eat a lot for it to classify as a serving. When I was in HS, we had a health class. The teacher said one serving is about the size of a pack of playing cards. Who uses that much in one sitting!?

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