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I see so many people marking their relationship status as complicated. What I want to know though is WHY?! Why would anyone in a legitimate relationship be like, “Oh my god! Everything is so confusing between us and we must let social media know! Otherwise I would feel like we were living a lie. People deserve to know that our love is complicated. We must alert them to this new development!”

I just don’t understand the motivation behind any of it. The internet has already crapped on the sanctity of a relationship in many ways. We already see too much of people’s most private moments. We’re always one click away from seeing our significant other’s lives before us. But to me, putting “It’s complicated” as a relationship status is the most offensive thing you can do to your significant other. It’s also rude and hurtful.

The funny thing about all of this is that “It’s Complicated” feels like a redundant option for a relationship status. In case you didn’t already know, being in love with someone is inherently complicated. That’s why there’s no relationship status options like “It’s simple with…” or “It’s breezy with…” I mean, duh. Of course it’s complicated! Why is there an extra need to spell that out? Is it just extra, super duper complicated? Would I not be able to understand it?

So why do some couples choose to put it as their relationship status? What does “It’s complicated” exactly mean to some people? Does it translate to “It’s a long distance relationship and sometimes I’m allowed to dry hump other people at house parties?” Or does it mean “Yo, we kind of hate each other but are too chicken to end it so here’s our status!” Whatever the reason behind it is, I’m here to tell you that it’s stupid. May I suggest just breaking up or keeping your relationship off the internet? Chances are social media and the internet in general is what’s contributing to the complication of your relationship. So good luck with being complicated.

My_Best_Side 3 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes yes yes. Excellent post.

Ryksie Level 6 June 29, 2018

I find that generally, on All dating sites, "complicated" means married but slipping around....usually saying the partner is "fine" with it, but you will Never get to meet the partner so they can tell you so.......
Bunch of slimeballs, pass then by. There is one on here who says his wife has 2 months to live but she is fine with him trolling for all he can get. Soooooo charming! (Not to mention, women over-60 are the fastest-growing HIV-positive demographic in the country for about a decade now, according to the CDC....When I mentioned that to him, he was totally unconcerned....wonder what the poor gal is dying of....)


Personally, when I used "It's Complicated" on my facebook profile, it was because I wanted prospective mates to know that it was never going to be "just the two of us against the world." At the time, I had an ex-wife with two children. I was supporting them. I also had an ex-girlfriend, with one child. I was supporting that child. The message was "Yes, I'm single. But I also have kids, and exes, and a large extended family. It's complicated. Yes, I'm going to be headed off to the parent-teacher conference with Jennifer. I'm also picking up Kid1 and Kid2 from Teresa on Friday and returning them Sunday."


Maybe indecision on one partners comittment to the other,"Cold Feet" as in a wedding,everyone's there but no groom? So the old saying of "Fish or cut bait" applies?


So much to agree with here.

The internet has further complicated relationships for millions no doubt.
And I do think the designation "it's complicated" is really directed at the person involved with the one designating their status this way more so than to others. IMO anyway.

Qualia Level 8 June 29, 2018
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