What's your dream car? Mine is 1969 Super Sport Camaro
I would love to have my 1968 Roadrunner again.
Thanks for the like. My wife who has passed was a "hippie chick" so I know you.
Back to the Future III. I don't know what it is called.
@HippieChick58 Didn't last long! Shame ?
1987 Buick Grand National X. I wanted to buy one but credit was bad at the time.
Good choice. I had a '68 SS. Really fun car.
@Redcupcoffee I moved to ABQ in 1992 from Ann Arbor. I like the weather much better here!
Current car is paid for. I often daydream about what I want to replace it with. Not a clue, too many options. The thought of a car payment again is scary. What I really want is a self driving car.
You are wise
@trblemaker They are crazy small!!!