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I am about to do a float in a sensory deprivation tank (starts in 30 mins) and I'm curious what your experiences are. Have you done it? What did you get from it? Anyone do it regularly? If you want to do it, why?

So this was my second time floating. I tried it once years ago and my only memory of it was the restlessness caused by being left in there an extra 30 mins without asking.

This time was different. I was totally sober when I went in. I was dreading being alone with my mind and it's stressors the whole way there. But after some settling and worrying that I was doing it all wrong, I began to just let my mind speak to me.

We conversed, and hashed out some things that have been bothering us. Some things made me laugh, and others feel a tremendous sadness. But in the end, it was a visionless conversation with myself for an hour.

I left feeling lighter and more relaxed, and hungry for the first time in a week. And centered...? If that's an obtainable state, I felt more centered, like I had cleared the debris that was clogging up my emotions and my mind. That's some metaphysical mumbo jumbo right there, but the sensation was being more present and less anxious than when I went in.

Humanistheathen 7 July 3

Enjoy being online again!

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How long are you in there? Is it claustrophobic?


I can't really tell if you're recommending it or not from your update... Would you do it again?


I gave a float to myself for a birthday. While interesting and very relaxing, i have not gone again, just not that wow....thus year I think go-kart racing, there is a new facility nearby.


I did it a few times around 35 years ago. I loved it, but for some reason the next day I was suicidally depressed. The day after that I was back to normal. Now that I'm more stable I really should try it again. My upper back used to be full of knots and it was such a pleasure feeling it relax.


I'm considering, please post your experiences! I'm already addicted to regular meditation.


I've done something similar... technical training course, room with no windows, the hum of a slide projector in a dimmed room... zzzzz.

godef Level 7 July 4, 2018

It’s great. Sometimes my neck cramps up. I like being alone with my thoughts.


Reminds me a bit of marriage. 🙂


This is one of the ultimates in balance and inner work, i used take people disabilities and people anxieties to this


I want to try it, but I'm anxious about it. I assume it's much like meditation, and I've not had much success with that.

@Humanistheathen I think it's the dialogue that scares me. Being alone with my thoughts is something I do regularly, but in the context of journaling. Not sure how I'd handle my thoughts without that outlet.

@Humanistheathen That certainly sounds appealing...


I love the sensation of weightlessness, which is why I also scuba dive...and the absolute silence...without sensory cues, you sort of feel like you are flying or floating can be very relaxing, but I can't do it more than 30 minutes without anxiety starting to come in. I do it at a spa about once a month but it is because it is included in a package deal they offer. Have a good expeience and let us know how it went!


I freaking LOVED it. It was AWESOME. I want to do it once or twice a week but it's too far and expensive. But I highly recommend

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