Sparked by another member's question: what are your thoughts on girls calling their guys "daddy"? Especially in the sense of the daddy dom/baby girl thing?
hate it its sick daddy implies sub or other connotations
You've obviously no understanding of how power exchange relationships work. If it makes them happy - there's nothing wrong with Dom/sub so what business is it of your's to judge them and it sick?
@HopefullyWiser I was asked my opinion eat me
@HopefullyWiser, @Need2FeelU
to each his own but I don't wanna be around that so im not and I would not be happy being called mom by a man unless role playing diff of course when you have lil kids you refer to each other as mom and dad for the kids
shows how little you know
That's apparently a southern thing...but I think it's kinda creepy.
Not a fan, but idc what others do as it doesn't involve me, different strokes and whatnot.
I am of the opinion of as long as it is consensual then you do you. Personally, find it a bit weird and I couldn't be a relationship like that but hey, if that is what gets someone off and their partner is cool with it then I shall let it be. Though as with almost all roleplay and sexual stuff it would be nice if people didn't do it in public (when I was a cashier I had a couple come through doing their roleplay and let's just say that was one of my weirdest ring ups ever).
As long as it involves consenting adults, who cares? However, I wouldn’t want to treat a woman like that.
I am not a fan myself, but my biological father was an incestuous bastard who should get shanked in the kidney so I might have some bias
I've never been involved with anyone who's called me daddy, but I imagine it would weird me out. Baby is ok, but not daddy.
It’s weird how baby is ok but not daddy. I feel the same way but didn’t realize it until reading your response.
About as creepy as guy calling his girlfriend Mommy lol But hey whatever floats your boat. Still a free country.
I won't even let my friends call me Mum as a joke. Just. NO.
I was never comfortable with that either. just ew
My wife and I were talking about this today because my brother and his wife always called each other mom and dad, which we both agreed is creepy as fuck. I know they both had serious parental issues so maybe that explains it.
@MissKathleen My brother had 3 kids when they got married and she had one on the way. I'm pretty sure the older kids could have shown the newest child what to call her parents without my brother and his wife calling each other mom and dad. Maybe it had something to do with them being super religious JW's? Whatever the reason I still find it very weird.
@Lincoln55 you had me convinced at the word 'Pence'.
My wife will often say "go ask daddy or see if dad wants anything" when speaking to the kids, but when she needs me she calls me by my name. I'm not a psychologist but to me a wife or girlfriend that refers to her significant other as "daddy" under any other circumstance doesn't seem right.
I've had an ex I called my girl. Can't say I was against the idea however, it really was just a thing between the two of us. Not something I needed before our relationship, not something I require after. There's usually some pet name in a sexual relationship, that was simply one that worked for her and me at the time. Could have used any combination of terms (complimentary, derogatory, kinky, whatever) as long as it works in the dynamic of those involved, it works.
Yup, pet names. I used Swettie with one.