Women in Mexico are excited wondering how long after their country turn into another Venezuela, will they get a Venezuelan beauty body (Disclaimer: before you go for the jugular, I got this JOKE from a Mexican woman) Yes, Mexico has elected a hard core socialist as the new president, to take over Dec 1st and he will make the departed Hugo Chavez look like a nice decent guy
He is the Bernie Sanders of Mexico. The PRD has never been in power. So he formed his own party & won.
The actual party is National Regeneration Party, which in Spanish lead to the acronym Morena, which is a nick name for Indian woman. It's kind of lame if you ask me. He used to be PRD. Anyhow, this "experiment" may become the best eye opener for all Bernie supporters. No, it's not a good thing....
@Countrywoman don't lose sight of the important stuff here, which is his socialist ideas. When crap hits the fan, I will come back to everyone with an "I told you so"..... He is well known for radical ideas that will "help" poverty...we'll see how that is going to work. It's almost against Physics to spread wealth and succeed if no one is willing to earn anything. It does last until the last investor is bankrupt or has managed to flee with his resources. Unfortunately no one wants to see thouse things, and when they do is usually too late... Another chapter is coming for the whole world to watch and I would hope to learn but, will we?
@Countrywoman well, neither Zapata or Villa is not going to save the day when they run out of money.....
This Mexican president sounds great. He's offered to open the Presidential Palace to the people.
Of course, if you watch Fox News he's evil.
(Then there's not forgetting the fact people voted for him.)
Well, here is the deal....you didn't like my comment about EU because in your eyes I am just a tourist (which I was not, I lived and worked in Belgium for three years, family, cat, dog...the whole deal). By the same token I am going out on a limb here and say you don't know much about Mexico. I was born there. I have seen and lived for years the drawbacks socialism can bring. This guy is dangerous and sadly, the whole country will pay the price when the system run out of money. He may sound good to you, he is not and when poverty starts to flourish everywhere because investors are pulling out then you won't have to worry about it. Of course I will love to eat my words if the new president proves me wrong......
What are the drawbacks of socialism? Please tell me. Because the US is not democratic socialist and poverty is increasing. The drawbacks of capitalism if you will.
Just a question. Are you a libertarian?
@Ellatynemouth Let's compromise here, give it time, see what is going to happen. If we both are still here next summer then we can talk about the impact in Mexico, if any.
Something I agree with you on.
I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA are crawling around Mexico trying to undermine things.
I hope that you are unduly pessimistic.
What is fatal to an economy is not socialist goals that can be carried out by taxation and redistribution of wealth. We have a good deal of that in the USA. What wrecks an economy is interfering with free market pricing and private production. We have only a limited amount of that in the USA (minimum wage, rent controls, regulations, etc).
I hope so too for the own good of Mexico, sadly I believe this may become an eye opener for many Americans wishing on more socialism policies. Take note that all things considered, Mexico has been making a lot of progress keeping up with the economy by holding currency exchange steady for many years now. If that starts to change then it will be just one parameter to quantify and evaluate such change.