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Statistically, you're more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark yet, the Discovery Channel still doesn't have "Cow Week".

Duke 8 July 7

Enjoy being online again!

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As always, excellent point! Having a fun morning, aincha?!


I have naught to do with cows, I’ve beat the odds. A bovine quadruped on a bicycle is utterly ridiculous.


When is the Cownado film franchise starting? It’ll make a fortune.

LB67 Level 7 July 8, 2018

Billion dollar idea!


Yeah well... the statistics might be different depending on where one lives. Shark attacks often make the nightly news in Hawaii, but I don't recall hearing any "death by cow" stories lately.

Guess if statistics are true, even here, the shark stories are far more thrilling to hear about and usually have a happy ending. Shark attack victims usually survive, minus a limb, but alive.

Not sure if there any shark songs, but I always laugh when I hear Dana Lyon's song "Cows with Guns" haha!


Why do I envision "Crush Injuries"? You can't make me Google that!

You know at 4 am I'll Google that right?

I'm counting on it.

@Duke Well played Duke - well played!


When do barbers get a week for almost maiming?


Unless you don't live by cows and surf or spear fish near sharks.

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