Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed?
My daughter and I sleep with our doors open when we're home alone. We close our doors when we have overnight guests. What do you prefer to do?
I try to sleep with the door closed since I'm a morning person and my wife is a night owl. But then, cats screaming about a closed door violates cat law. And the dog wanting a safe place to sleep (he's 70 pounds of German Shepherd). <sigh>
I have to close the door or my housemates dog is in there all the time lol
Closed , rent to another person in spare bedroom plus keeps my dog from roaming at night.
Open for the critters. Used to have a cat that would body slam the door if it were closed.
My door stays open because my dogs don’t have opposable thumbs.
Firefighters recommend closing all bedroom doors at night for safety:
Good info, thanks
I have a German Shepherd and 6 healthy roommates to protect me.
Open partly so the dogs and cats and come and go as they want, partly because despite having 5 large windows in the bedroom, none of them could be opened, so it gets stifling hot in there in the summertime if the doors were closed. And, I'm claustrophobic so I leave doors open anywhere if I could.
I like the door open because I want my cats to be able to come and go. If I close the door, they will pound on it and wake me up. I also like to hear what is going on in the other parts of the house.