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Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed?

My daughter and I sleep with our doors open when we're home alone. We close our doors when we have overnight guests. What do you prefer to do?

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pixiedust 8 July 9

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I try to sleep with the door closed since I'm a morning person and my wife is a night owl. But then, cats screaming about a closed door violates cat law. And the dog wanting a safe place to sleep (he's 70 pounds of German Shepherd). <sigh>


I have to close the door or my housemates dog is in there all the time lol


I'm a very light sleeper and my cats are vocal and rowdy, so I keep it closed in self-defense.


Open. The bedroom gets very stuffy if the door is closed. My big dog sleeps in the doorway, which always makes me smile.


Closed , rent to another person in spare bedroom plus keeps my dog from roaming at night.


Always open, I like air to circulate.


Open for the critters. Used to have a cat that would body slam the door if it were closed.


I don't know why but I sleep better with the closed. weird.


My door stays open because my dogs don’t have opposable thumbs.


my house is one room. I leave the front door open for ventilation. Plenty of dogs make that possible


Closed. I got into the habit when I had small children poking around, and it feels funny if I leave it open now.


Firefighters recommend closing all bedroom doors at night for safety:


Good info, thanks


I have a German Shepherd and 6 healthy roommates to protect me.


If I had no pets or guests, I'd sleep with the door open. But, in an effort to reduce cat hair on my bed, I keep the door closed.


Open partly so the dogs and cats and come and go as they want, partly because despite having 5 large windows in the bedroom, none of them could be opened, so it gets stifling hot in there in the summertime if the doors were closed. And, I'm claustrophobic so I leave doors open anywhere if I could.


Doors, windows everything open. I'd sleep outdoors if I could 😉


I like the door open because I want my cats to be able to come and go. If I close the door, they will pound on it and wake me up. I also like to hear what is going on in the other parts of the house.

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