What is the one thing your are most proud of accomplishing in your life?
I used to work for a non-profit that granted end of life wishes to adults facing terminal illness. As part of that job, I got to grant someone's dying wish. She died about a week after I granted it, but her last few days were full of happiness and smiles.
That's mine. What's yours?
I'm still here and l haven't been to prison. If you knew my life, you would be impressed too. ?
@Exterminis Unless you like uniforms and bad food. I did that in the Army.
I built my own house did all the work myself
for real??!! wowww awesome!
@vmedel here it is
@Drsmash253 I am proud of you too!!!
@Drsmash253 , that's wonderful.
Graduating from flight school & receiving my Army Aviator wings.
Made it to be alive at age 20. Going to college and so far I have all A's. Honestly, I don't know where I am going in life. Never thought I would be alive at 18, now I'm 20.
I once drove across country and blogged about the good that small, rural public libraries, museums, and parks do for their communities, usually on shoestring budgets and without the support of their local governments.
@Exterminis Thank you! It was one of the best experiences of my life. I wish I could have kept it up.
That I graduated university with honours (statistically and with my home envt being the way it was I should have never gone to uni, let alone completed it). Also helping homeless people in my city and getting involved in organizations or projects geared towards helping homeless or disadvantaged people while in university. It's not much, but I am still young, perhaps I can accomplish something more impressive one day like you!
I don’t know if I could say I was particularly proud of anything, except knowing that I raised two sons to adulthood successfully. They are kind and caring human beings, so I performed my duty as a mother well. What I do feel is fortunate. I am fortunate to have been born at the time I was. We who were born just after WW2 are the lucky generation, the baby-boomers. I had the additional good fortune to be born to enlightened parents in one if the most beautuful cities in the world. You could say I take pride in knowing I have inherited the views handed down from the great thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment.
Accepting myself for who I am, and saying fuck you to the social norm.
Hm I'm not really proud of anything I've done. I've accomplished quite a bit, but I'm not really proud of it. Most was expected of me, or something that was easy for me, or i was proud but now leaves a bitter sweet feeling instead, or I was proud but other people weren't seeing my pride and made me feel inadequate.
I have a very toxic life around me, now that I think of it. Anything I accomplished that made me happy was treated like I should have been better
Oh don't frowny face. It's just life. Someday I'll be proud of something
Quit drinking, quit smoking and getting proper care for my being Bi-Polar
That would be an amazing position to be in! The most important thing that I am most proud of is, evolving out of a family of severe mental illness! Which took years! Feeling like a whole person, gave me freedom of spirit for my end days!
Working with 12 rural school districts to improve teaching, learning, and leadership through staff development and technical support. Student achievement rates in those districts gained considerably during that time. Also I started a training and support program for beginning teachers, and feedback from beginners in the program then and comments 20 years later said that the program made a huge difference for them.
I have too many to choose from. I volunteer at a homeless shelter a great time. I also get some satifaction from the music I write and play. and sometimes just saying 'hellow' to people I meet walkind down the sidewalk.