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I look at Preacher Jeffries who is in Dallas.
He just loves having his picture taken and just loves having all this recognition given to him by such individuals as Trump.
Thing is, it is actually rather sad.
A man at his age, who is obviously being played, and is too too naive to even be aware of this.
HE constantly proves his lack of worldly understanding or how limited his knowledge of the American Government and or the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And goes very public on these topics.
To those who are aware of these things (Those who didn't sleep through their US history or US government classes in school) we find it just amazing.
But then, isn't ignorance bliss?
Preacher Jeffries obviously lives a very blissful life.
And he is, it seems quite happy as a "tool"...
What is your take on this?

ssgchester 4 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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He is an average trrumpie supporter

Marine Level 8 July 10, 2018

I assume you mean Robert Jeffress.

Well, he seems quite sincere... which makes him no less ignorant and bigoted. As for his ignorance of the Constitution... we can say the very same of Trump, now can't we?


My thought exactly...

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