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Trump just pardoned the white nationalist racists that used guns to take-over federal land in Oregon. There can be no doubt that he is anti-democratic and a traitor.

His impeachment would only lead to a Christian dominionist in Pence. Democracy is dead in America!

Snickers77 8 July 10

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Yes I'm afraid we are stuck with him for now. On the bright side, this too shall pass.


Yes I'm afraid we are stuck with him for now. On the bright side, this too shall pass.


Oh look! He's searching for his brain.

Bet he sneezed it out already.


those smoking trash piles need to be in prison .... in general club fed for them


All I can hope for is a massive backlash from the majority of US citizens who have had it with his pretending he represents a majority in this nation. And - watch the Republican Party end!

Varn Level 8 July 10, 2018

@Snickers77 I don’t, we’re still a democracy, if with a small ‘d.’ If the majority will take back both houses of congress - game over for this A-hole! And, Congress can generally override or revise anything the Supreme Court ..fucks up. But we’ll need to take - and hold Congress … not turn out only during presidential election years … or fight among ourselves..

@Snickers77 The ‘corporate democrats’ I’ve met are simply competing with the corporate republicans.. If the nation supported Democrats in larger numbers, and congress could fix ‘Citizens United’ (cuz the court won’t), we could take the nation back.

I’ve felt the extreme liberal side of the democratic party is what kills it.. I can hardy listen to NPR (national ..public radio) these days without hearing endless sob pieces on obscure, rarely relevant or personal issues that get turned into mini-movements on the far left side … stuff that’s not worth fighting for with the nation at stake, and continues to kill us with average voters..

The Russians did such a great job of dividing us, with Bernie's help, that’s going to be the problem - uniting the party. Keeping us divided is how their radical minority ‘wins.’ Look what those sick Republicans have brought us -- if the worst we do is elect ‘corporate democrats’ ..we’d be light-years ahead ~

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