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Robert Reich: 7 Truths About Immigration

zorialoki 8 July 13

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So basically he is saying there is no overpopulation problem and maybe we need an open border policy! I have heard these things before and all it does is further the polarism in the country.

When, if, the borders are closed and the basest of jobs are not filled by citizens, crops rot in fields, etc., what will we do as a country?

@zorialoki This issue has been covered several times before on this site and it seems the initial idea is always the same. A country's borders are one of the most important issues of any country. Immigration is a very, very complicated issue and too many try to simplify it with simple, short sound bites. Conservatives and liberals alike look for the emotion based simple ideology and wonder why things are such a mess. My late partner (an immigrant) asked her 2nd graders a question: Which is more important people or dirt? One can never be more important than the system that sustains one. Policies should serve all citizens and immigrants alike. The system should NOT be about people but policies. What I always hear is that we want to help others but then add a comment about using their cheap labor. It's exploitation! An nswer to your question requires some homework and use a critical thinking and more informed approach.


I always liked Bob R.

I do also

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