When is this going to stop?
Passenger Hurls Abuse at Muslim Woman on New York City Bus
Ultimately bystanders will have to stop it. This will ,of course, build into a "war" like setting once Trump Pansies start thinking we are taking their rights away. This is exactly why some rich Republicans are giving money to Dems for the mid term because they would like to see bickering stop and some actual governing begin. Supporters are acting much like that Trump baby blimp flying now in London. A balance of power would stop all this nonsense.
I just read another post by someone on Agnostic.com that wants hate laws repealed so that every asshole who wants to behave this way can do so with impunity.
You have to be kidding!
@Condor5 I shit you not. Proof that there are racist bigots who call themselves Atheists.
@Surfpirate racist atheists doesn't surprise me, it's that they would come on a forum like this and espouse it that disturbs me. People like that have 0 worth to me, and I will block them in a heartbeat; as far as I'm concerned, everyone who disagrees with their bullshit should.
No you did not. You ascribing that conclusion to my comments is incorrect. That is not why i think there is no need for specifying hate as a part of a crime..
Read my comments about why i think creating special protected classes allows the right-wingers to deny service to a person because they are not included in the protected group.
Hate crime is another set of classes that is already leading to corruption by those who feel offended.
Who decides what is hateful? Who decides what is 1st degree hate? 2nd degree? Inadvertent disdain?
@Jacar Clearly you did and now you are back pedaling.
@Surfpirate I did write that there is no need for hate crime categories.
I did NOT in any comment even suggest any of the depicted assholes should not be prosecuted. That was you misreading of my comments.
@Jacar I'm not about to split frog hairs with you.