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I blocked someone today. Not because they were rude to me - they probably don't even know I exist. It was weird. I blocked them because they were spruiking about how great Trump was. Normally, I read some of the twaddle they come up with just to keep up to date with their idiocy, but I think I've reached my limit..... I'm surprised by my own lack of acceptance of a different point of view. I think it's because I can't conceive of a time when a Trump supporter could have anything remotely credible to say. How judgemental I feel right now.

Philosopearl 6 July 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't blame you


I blocked 2 trumplodytes after deciding early on we were never going to have civil debates/discussions. It would be one thing if they could present a cogent argument for any of their positions, but when the best they can do is fall back on fake news & crooked Hilary, I'm better off discussing sports with the cat. I mean, pfft, that'd never work! I have no idea what's going on in the sports world!


Sometimes we are just too overwhelmed with all the twaddle that comes out of his supporters mouth, just like all the twaddle from the supporters of Pauline Hanson.


I didn't realize Trump is even unpopular in Australia...

He is despised the world over. Really.

@BlueWave That is amazing...but he deserves it...he is such a schmuck.

He is, he is. Only a few twatts like him here.


Don't feel bad. Their making excuses for a deplorable person saying and doing deplorable things is deplorable in itself. There is no need for you to endure their offensiveness.


Yeah. A great many of Trump's followers follow him like they would a religion... meanign without questioning anything.

I've run into a few people here like that. Haven't blocked any of them, although when one gort really offensive i did flag it.


I know what you mean, though I've never blocked anyone. On a side note: "spruiking?"

@Philosopearl I wonder where the word came from?

@Philosopearl What is the proper pronunciation of 'spruiker' ?

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