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Living in rural Ohio, I find myself seeing an awful lot of bible thumpers and people who don't even care about the state of the world so long as people of color are kept away from them and it is sickening. It's just disgusting. I didn't grow up in this area, I grew up in inner cities where there was much more diversity.
Do any of you deal with the same thing? For the most part I shake my head and keep going about my day. Sometimes, though, I feel like giving the racist antigay bible thumping asshats a little smack on the head.
The older I get, the harder it gets to walk away without calling them a moron.
If I hear one more person saying "a little god never hurt anyone" I'm going to say something mean no matter who the idiot is.

UndeniablyMe 6 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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A little god didnt hurt anyone ...umm it hurt jesus....a lot !!

Simon1 Level 7 July 15, 2018

Certain other things come to mind, like the crusades, Spanish inquisition, witch burnings, almost total genocide of native americans....the list goes on and on


Being from a background of total diversity acceptance, probably as you describe yours, I truly cannot relate, except on a micro-level. Ethnic/racial intolerance also makes me sick to my stomach. I don't even know how one could live amongst people like that, so you have my sympathy.

At this later point in my life, while not giving up on the notion of a more racially harmonious world, I'm not overly optimistic it will change radically in my lifetime, so I simply have to hope that it dies out within a couple more generations; hating people because of their skin color or cultural origins is and has been one of the major evils of modern times, imho. We have come so far technologically, yet such a small distance in human relations.


Ask them which little god they are talking about?


I get it. I'm a black guy and I live in rural ohio as well. I also work directly with farmers as an engineer with the USDA. I don't typically get offended as most are horribly ignorant and misinformed. I take it as an opportunity to teach them the truth about my people and culture. Truthfully it has made me challenge my own ignorance/stereotypes as well. Some will get it some will not. One can only try. But I never tolerate disrespect. When it comes to religion I don't even bother. Complete waste of time


Coming from the Bible belt in Florida it is crazy. It's not as bad as it used to be but there are a lot of pocket areas like that. Because of my past I know how to shut Bible thumpers up. I use to be one unfortunately. I'm sorry you have to deal with those idiots.


The racists cling to their guns and Bibles and vote Republican against their own best interests.

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