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I wonder about the wives of the murderous presidents like Putin, Kim Jong, Duterte and other leaders that murder people for no reason. When you see them together they're holding hands. Can these women be with these murderers because they're afraid or are they sleeping with them willingly?

Boogey 8 July 16

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willingly, they share the meglomania.


Perhaps they are as morally deficient as their husbands. Or maybe some live under a threat of violence. Some may be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Then there is the power and prestige that goes with being married to someone who has power (murderous or otherwise). I think there may be a multitude of reasons.


Remember emelda Marcos? (Sp?). The wives are not always innocent.

Quite right. She sucked. She had something like ten thousand pairs of shoes that she ripped off from merchants.


Remember emelda Marcos? (Sp?). The wives are not always innocent.


Perhaps they simply agree with their husbands principles? Rightly or wrongly.

smoyle Level 6 July 16, 2018

Have you checked the track record of Amerika's presidents?

@Boogey Several. Ask the Vietnamese, get the idea. 5M+ since the end of WWII.


I am convinced that most women can be with any man who has enough (severally or collectively and broadly defined) money, sex appeal, or glamor. In the cases that you mentioned, and many more, I strongly suspect fear of being beaten or terminated also keeps women under the control of tyrants. This world would be a much better place if women would wise up and choose to mate with honorable men of character instead of men who can pay more and/or stimulate more.


Perhaps they believe what anything is reported about their husbands is just propaganda.


I do wonder about the wife's of murdurous tyrants...

But you know what they say behind every great man is a great woman..

Maybe some of these ladies are not all innocent angels..


Power is an effective aphrodisiac...


training. probably groomed to marry them as a child.


Yeah these three pretty much covered all the bases. Fear, ambition, or compatibility.


Just because a person has female sex organs doesn’t preclude them from being a scumbag. Being inhuman isn’t an exclusively male characteristic.


They're probably worried about getting murdered themselves.


Some out of fear some out of ambition ( they want the money and fame and don't care how )

Simon1 Level 7 July 16, 2018
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