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Would you like to?
get only a few minutes to talk to each of 10 single women or men you've never met, choose one you liked and then propose marriage to that person in 45 minutes?

Time to watch the trainwreck called The Proposal on ABC. Everybody on this site should watch this show! LOL!


JohnINFP 7 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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This is why I don't watch television. My guess is that none of these people take a relationship seriously and all they care about is the minutes of fame and ego stroking for being on national tv.


Goodness, they put you through WAY more than this for a JOB interview!


If I were in my 20s again....I'd probably do it on a dare from my friends. LOL

It's a great story for later in life.
I would need a good pre-nup first, of course.


'Choose one you liked'. A person has to be a really poor judge of character to like someone under an hour and dive in.
Companies take longer than that to recruit.


Sure why not. I’ve been known to do crazier things.

Oh no, Grace! Now I want to know all the crazier things you've done! Thanks! Now that thought is going to be stuck in my brain now! LOL! 😟

@JohnINFP I don’t kiss and tell. ?

@graceylou So you're saying I have a chance. 😮

@graceylou You put the cheese out there for me to see lol

@JohnINFP That couldn’t have been me. I’m vegan. I don’t have cheese. LOL.

@graceylou LOL! Of course you're are a Vegan! I'm such an idiot! 😟


PT Barnum was right........


That is a great big ol' cup of fuck no.


Is this a new twist on the Bachelor?

The most twisted twist! Very efficient!

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