Anyone watch Jesus Camp? (Yes it was fucking awful)
How was your religious experience compared to that?
I was born and raised a Mormon. I just remember wanting to make my parents happy more than anything. They had their own way of impressing on me how important my following the church was, and it got really bad in high school, but it wasn't anything like the horror these kids went through. I had non-religious friends and I was able to digest secular media when I was a kid. I feel horrible for anyone who's so isolated and is taken advantage of so badly.
Not so bad. My parents were liberal Methodist Haiti missionaries and the MK (missionary kid) summer camps were interdenominational, so not very heavy-handed. Mostly it was about fun activities, beach trips, boating, riding horses, crafts, etc.
I haven’t seen that movie. From the comments, I think it is best that I avoid it.
Lol yeh that movie was scary. I never had ties to a church. Think it was the late 80s i rejected the god thing. I sometimes wonder if following sioux beliefs like burning sweet grass means i am not totally athist but step mom says it is more earth well forgot how she said it. After watching that movie i did start arming myself
That was scarier than most horror movies. I've definitely encountered more than a few of those "types." (but then I live in Missouri, where it was filmed :/ )
Ugh, I'm sorry.
@Sirena I could tell you some stories...
Yup, terrifying. Watched it with someone who grew up in the church who had such a differentt expereience watching it. She said it was like watching her childhood
Poor girl
Between several summers at evangelical summer camp, and attending Charismatic churches for several years, I honestly didn't understand (at the time of the film's release) why people thought it was disturbing.
Now I do.
I'm sorry... It should be considered child abuse, really. It's terribly sad ?
@Sirena Yes, I think the arguments are sound that teaching children hellfire (part of Evangelicalism) and spirit-mind-body trinity, with the mind and body being "sinful" (part of Charismaticism) is unhealthy.
I personally thought that such a way of thinking was freeing at the time. But I can look back now and see how terrible it was to my confidence as a person; how much I lived in fear of impossible things; and how dependent I was for affection, healing, and life-knowledge from a Being that never actually did anything back (probably! Haha.). That was not healthy at all.
That film was pretty awful.
The worship of the cardboard bush2 was one of the worst parts.
it would be interesting to see a follow up film.
Those kids must be in their mid-twenties or so?
Indoctrination of that sort was attempted with my peers, but it was not successful in most cases.
We just knew what to say when, when it was necessary.
I would watch the follow up! Yes I think in their 20's sounds about right. Hopefully some fell off the belief wagon.
@Sirena I would guess most if not nearly all did.
That level of crazy just doesn't adhere long with exposure to reality.
@BufftonBeotch one can only hope!! That really would fill my heart. It's just set up in a way that it's their own "click". But I really hope you're right!
Holy hell in a happy handbasket JFC. I hope you got your own and to thee and thine own self be true.