The President of the United States is now seriously literally considering handing a US Ambassador over to the Russians for questioning.
The more I hear of his latest outpourings, the more I believe him to be completely insane. You actually have a stark raving lunatic for a President!
Criminally insane. The big worry here is he is going to get away with everything. It seems likely.
@Anonbene Maybe Mueller will get him before he does something catastrophic.
@Marionville But I doubt it, if he gets wind of anything like impeachment, indictment or prosecution inevitable, he'll fuck something up to get even.
@PickledRick The trouble is his unpredictability! He may be mad but he is still cunning, and has the survival instinct of the ruthless demigod.
I do my best to stay as informed as possible, and constantly question my own positions. I might be missing something that my bias is keeping me from seeing. But I am just sickened every day. Literally. Stomach twisted.
He is committing treason, right under our noses, and his cultists and Republican senators and representatives don't care. I am sickened.
When will it be too much? Geez.
Not too surprising coming from the Siberian candidate. I'll bet Trump and Putin played cards during their secret meeting.