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Seems I have something about crows lately:

Lukian 8 July 19

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They use tools. Have extended families. Can learn to mimic words.Don't touch dead birds with your bare hands. I rescued one & named him Edgar Allen Crow. He would run down the hallway with the dogs & cats at feeding time.


I saw one dead on the side of the road ..the other day..we were parking there looked down at his corpse........... his death had been instantaneous..His body was completely intact externally..

But he still had a full chip or a French fry still perfectly intact in it's closed beak.

choked, poisoned or West Nile... the intrigue deepens..... woooooooooo


Actually I would guess that it was killed ..just having acquired the morsel between it's beak by a fast moving literally didn't know what hit it..


I found a dead one on the path beside my house this morning, not sure of the cause of death, can’t rule out the possibility of murder!

Murder...most fowl..?

@Hitchens most fowl!


LOL... That's a good one.


Hah! Brilliant observation!

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