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So I just got out of what I would call a “pseudo Buddhist practice” I was in it for. 5 years and even became a youth leader. There were sooo many red flags about this practice one being how little they talked about the act principles of Buddhism and everything was about the president of the organization who I’m pretty sure they’re really worshiping, they seriously treat this guy like a damn rockstar! Becoming a leader helped me to see the practice as it really was a CULT! I’m glad me and a close friend got out and now we really see all of the flaws in their belief system. I feel very stupid for being so gullible and they got me at very vulnerable time my life which was a recipe for disaster. I was basically brainwashed and I’m feeling a bit depressed about the whole situation. Has anyone gone through this (leaving a cult) I feel better writing this and posting.

Ashxoleyxo 5 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I’ve never left a cult, but I did leave a religion. Was your cult one where they controlled your financial assets? Are you getting by okay after leaving?

They controlled your thought process by brainwashing you into connecting with the heart of the president of organization and chanting for a certain amount of time or else you’re karma wouldn’t be good for you or generations after you. They were all about numbers! recruiting as many “youth” as possible. I was in it for 5 years so it’s really strange because it was my life I went gung-ho in it, sometimes I’m mot sure what to do with myself, they made me feel like I truly had a purpose and this “special mission” it was good until I saw flaw that I couldn’t unsee just like I did with Christianity. I guess In a way all religions are cult like and the ones who left like we did are trying to find our own way amist all of the bs we were taught to believe.


I know a bit about what it’s like leaving a cult, i’ve seen the process close up. Sorry you got caught up in it, any spiritual organisation which is not about freedom is not worth the paper it’s holy writings are printed on.

Denker Level 7 July 20, 2018

Any religion is a serious waste of time, money, and emotion. You were smart to quit.

I agree completely they all seem to have the same goals but go about them in different ways. I’m glad I quit too.

It is better to spend time in bed on a Sunday morning rather than being bored in a church.@Ashxoleyxo


I have never been a good follower of anything. Sorry this happened. Maybe you are better for it?

I think I am. It’s good that you weren’t (not missing anything but BS) if I hadn’t I would be in a better position mentally now. Thank you for your response ?

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