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I had a thought about posting here, but I'm not sure where to begin, so this might not make much sense.

I hate politics, so I never post or comment about it.
I've been an Atheist all my life so i don't really talk about god much. I do however have a big problem with religion, so I will do some bashing here and there.

I deal with schizo-affective disorder, and posting about it sometimes is a little like therapy, and I've had some great comments from others that have mental disorders as well. This might sound selfish, but hearing from others that have mental disorders is in a way helpful to me, It makes me feel not alone.

Just about every one here has treated me very nice since I've been here, and I do the same in return. This place is really begining to feel like home.

One of the symptoms ( among many) is major depression. Meds, and therapy help a bit, but they are not a cure.
So I try as much as I can to try and find things that are uplifting, and I'll post them to share . Usually it's some vid about people helping other people, people helping animals and such.

I really just do it for myself, but it is really nice to read some of the positive responces I've got for posting them.

With that said, I found another one that I think is amazing for two reasons. One is i love when technology is used to help people, and the other was watching it work in action.

This one got me a little choked up at times.
It's deaf people hearing for the first time.

TristanNuvo 8 July 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I love this video.
Hearing your story and watching this video makes me realize I can deal with my insignificant, in comparison, issues. I'm so glad for you that you feel comfortable here. That in itself can be a gift.


This is a wonderful video. I struggle with the depression, too, and anxiety, and I agree, it helps to hear and share others' stories as it helps me feel so not alone. I also look for uplifting things like this as they help to reassure me there's goodness in the world.

Thank you 🙂 I'm glad you like the vid. I can't truely express to know there are others out there that have the same feelings.
For some reason or other my brain seems to focus on the negative, being it depression or what ever. But I try to fight it as much as possible. And I agree, although it may sound selfish, but when I read, or meet others that have similar aflictions, it as you say, makes me feel like I am not alone.

Thank you very much for your input, it means a lot.



Thanks, I thought so too.🙂


Nice post

Thanks, It really gave me a good feeling.🙂


Can you imagine being Autistic? I understand to them,the World has sped up,lights,colors, and sounds,confusing,maddening,making them try to retreat to a safe place and sort this out.

Icouln't imagin what that would be like.It must be horrible.
But Having schizo-affective disorder is no picnik either. Halucinations, hearing and seing things that are not there major bouts of depression, suicidal. paranoia. At least there is medication and therapy fgor my condition. It's no cure but it helps. I wish there was something like that for Autism.


WOW I can't imagine what it would be like to go through this wonderful world without the advantage of all senses working and providing me with total wariness!

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