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Internet animals. What makes them popular? I love cats, some would say that I love them excessively. I've loved goats all my life and notice that they're trending up these days. The sloth phenomenon surprised me. I'm a lifelong fan, but I lived through many years where I never heard anyone talk about sloths. My candidates for need more attention are cuttlefish, tapirs, and pangolins. Oh, peccaries, can't forget peccaries.

nosferatu_cat 7 July 22

Enjoy being online again!

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JacarC Level 8 July 22, 2018

I'd like to have a wild pig just for the opportunity to talk among mixed company about playing with my peccary; going for a walk because the my peccary needs some exercise; describing how it squeals when it gets stepped for being in the wrong place


Pangolins are one of the most poached creatures for the illegal pet trade.
sloths have communities of moss fungus lichen that exist no where else.Bats. Without them there is no MESCAL
Orangutans Palm oil plantations are diving them to extinction
Mountain Gorillas 5 years ago there were 750 compared to 7.5 billion of us
Today there is over 1000. We are saving these cousins of ours. They catch our disease so do not sneeze on them & wash your hands.

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