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When religous people that have been in church for decades say that god revealed something to them or preacher told them a word, but it's something I learned in sunday school when I was 4...

AbramH85 6 July 23

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And after they've had time to pray on something, and eventually act, only to see abysmal results, what then? I mean, it'd be wrong to ask if they misinterpreted His will or question His omniscience, right? So, where then did things go wrong?
If you've got a cold and I suggest Nyquil, and it works, was it part of His plan for you to run into an agnostic with good advice? Yeah, I'm not real clear on this notion of things being revealed.


I'm amused when Christians need to make a decision and they say..."I'll pray on it."'' As if God is going to whisper in their ear and tell them what to do. If they say God decided for them ...they are lying.


You expect morons to be logical or intelligent?

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