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So something has been bothering me the past couple of days. I am polyamorous and date outside of my such, my profile indicates that I am open to meeting men. But I don't like jumping into things. I prefer getting to know someone on a friend level and then, if there is chemistry and it makes sense for both, transitioning into dating...and if it doesn't transition past friendship, I have still made a friend. I feel like there is a lot of time and effort that goes into dating only to find out we aren't as compatible as we had hoped. Forging friendships eliminates a lot of that wasted time and energy feeling and is less stressful as a whole. Recently I was told that this is a manipulative practice and that I am a manipulative person for behaving in this manner. Try as I might, I just don't see it. I'm always upfront and honest about my situation and preferences in dating. Thoughts?

AdorkableMe 7 July 24

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Stop the presses! You mean meeting someone, getting to know them and becoming friends before progressing to physical intimacy is manipulative? Well blow me down! Sounds like he's the player who's not getting what he wants. Exit, stage left!



They sound confused.

You do you. You're representing the way you should.
If they are confused it's on them.

You aren't leading anyone on.

More power to you for doing what you feel is right!

Thank you. I had this moment of perhaps I am the only one not understanding but it looks like I'm not entirely crazy. This time. Lol


I have a feeling the person who was accusing you of being manipulative was in fact trying to manipulate you!

Pete66 Level 6 July 24, 2018

Perhaps. It's nice to get some outside perspectives. I just couldn't wrap my brain around it. Thank you for chiming in! ?

@AdorkableMe you're welcome! 🙂


I am poly as well and in a similar situation like you. But I chose not to select “interested in meeting men” because I can see how some might think I’m misleading them. Being here for community has led to many friendships, a lot of flirts, sharing of fantasies. I have crushes, yes, but the likelihood of actually meeting up is minuscule.

Since you’re honest and upfront, I can’t see how you can be said to manipulate. That requires deception. Being poly is hard to explain so may be he’s just not getting it.

miniscule eh? So you're saying I have a chance. LOL!

@JohnINFP Better than nothing right? You just never know.

Changing my status was what he recommended as well, or changing my thinking and how I conduct myself. I considered changing it but, if they read through my profile they should be able to glean most of the information necessary and it just say open to meeting me. In my mind that equates to would consider dating men. I think I am going to update my bio to be a little more direct so that I can avoid any future misunderstandings.


Sounds like whoever said that was projecting, and it had nothing to do with you.
Ignore it.
You're fine.

Thanks KK. It's nice to be able to bounce it off others. I tend to over analyze and over think. My brain was bringing up everything I have ever said to him. Lol.

@AdorkableMe I used to do the same. You don't think I was born with this "fuck it all" attitude, do ya? This shit took years to cultivate. ?

@KKGator I there some sort of school or program for that? Clearly self teaching is not working for me. Lol

@AdorkableMe Come, grasshopper. I will teach you the ways of the Force.


I think a lot of people think that polyamarous means easy. If you are meeting people who can't grasp that you can be polyamarous and discerning, then they probably aren't even good prospects for friendship.

JimG Level 8 July 24, 2018

I should have been more clear in my original post, thiS person is also polyamorous. It makes it that much more perplexing!

@AdorkableMe It could still be the discerning part that eludes him. Perhaps he can't accept that he's not as desirable as he thinks he is. Conceit, maybe?


I am poly as well and thought I might weigh in. As long as you are honest and up front, I see no manipulation. It may sound harsh, but it sounds (ironically) a bit like whomever you heard this from is actually the manipulator. Just because they didn't get what they wanted, a quick entry into something more than platonic respect (pun intended), they are whining and throwing out insults that are meant to strike self-doubt.

As a fellow person dating outside of marriage, I pride myself in not being manipulative. I work very hard to be forthright and while it may be selfish to know and express just what my expectations are, that is not manipulation. If a person where to call that into question it would be a direct swipe at a character trait I feel proud of. Doing so would be a very good way to manipulate me.

Keep up the honesty and thanks for the thoughtful post! Good luck!

Thank you for weighing in. Poly dating is a pain in my ass sometimes. (Pun may or may not be intended. Lol.) Good luck to you as well! ?


Seems pretty clear to me it actually makes sense to get to know someone and like them before having sex with them. It doesn't seem that that is any form of manipulation whether you are a married polyamorous individual or a single monogamous person.


I think that you're going about it in one of the best possible ways. I'm poly as well and I believe wholeheartedly in becoming friends with someone first/during the whole potential dating dance. If I can't be friends with them then how is a potential relationship supposed to work? It sounds like the person/people that told you that you were being manipulative are just a bunch of haters. You keep doing you and the hell with them =)

Thank you. The wild world of poly dating. Wheeeeeeee!! ??


We cannot know your intent, but being honest does not mean your a planning to manipulate someone; in fact, in means the opposite. However, it is possible someone might interpret your actions as being manipulative. Some are easily manipulated, even by people with no such intent.

EdEarl Level 8 July 24, 2018

Good points, thank you. I try really hard to be honest, up front, fair and decent so it has kind of thrown me for a loop!


I am pretty much the same way in my relationship. I believe, as you, that as long as you are upfront, honest, truthful and everyone involved knows, understands the conditions of involvement and accepts them, then no one is being manipulative or manipulated.
You do you, I do me and let's all strive to do or cause no harm.

That is lovely way to see things Jylnn. And I absolutely agree! ?


There's no way that what you're doing is manipulative, especially so given that you're meeting people on the internet. Women have told me that guys often expect sex on the first date -- even after meeting online. Of course, when I first got involved in online dating over 10 years ago, at least 25% of profiles were married people looking for affairs (it's one thing for them to be in an open relationship, another not to be, and the understanding was that these users were not in an open relationship). Women have also told me about coming across scammers regularly. Given all that, I think you're doing the right thing and that there's no way that it's manipulative.

Yes, it's definitely helpful in helping weed out those with ulterior motives. ?


It makes complete sense to get to know a person and decide if you even like them before becoming physically intimate. How can this not be a no-brainer?

Some people, both sexes, enjoy recreational sex for the sake of the excitement, pleasure and satisfaction it gives them. It is part of the human condition and no one size fits all for humanity.

@jlynn37 Yes I get that, animal instincts and perfectly normal but then so is getting to know someone before sharing bodily fluids. To each their own.

@Surfpirate I agree. You do you, I do me and let's all strive to do or cause no harm.


As long as all parties, including husband, in involved are aware and consenting it should not be any ones business.

DeiP Level 5 July 24, 2018


What this concern reflects is resistance to the pure power of women to decide upon intimacy. ....male expectations to the contrary is the only "manipulative" issue. ....friendship is friendship. ....adding lover to both roles is indeed dependent upon polyamorous consent of pre-existing lovers to the expanding circle of compatible desire=chemistry. expert loving woman is very attractive but no next person can feel entitled nor manipulated for becoming friends not chosen for intimacy


If they didn't understand that there must be chemisty that is not your fault. Just keep on you with what works for you. They will live.

Mokvon Level 8 July 24, 2018

Sounds like he’s a poly-slut, says he’s polyamorous just so that he can sleep around. As the song goes, “What’s Love Got To Do with It”
He doesn’t see that you want to find someone that feels the same way.


Seems their problem not yours if you have been as honest as you can be i guess confusion can arise from any interaction though however from reading the reply posts this doesnt seem the case good luck and i wouldnt give it to much head space edit also i have found there to be quite a few trollish idiots on this site you might just have been unfortunate and run into one of them 🙂

weeman Level 7 July 24, 2018

Thank you. It's puzzling for sure but I also have a tendency to over think. I think in this case, I did all I could to represent myself truthfully and accurately and that's all I can really do.


Many people think Poly means "let's fuck". They think it means you jump from bed to bed. They have no idea that it means it's possible to actually love more than one person. And love is a slow process, usually.

Keep being up-front and honest, and kick those hook-up culture people to the curb.

Weird thing is, he is totally "relationshippy" and open to love. He just sees things very differently than I, or it seems the majority here sees it.

@AdorkableMe it was an armchair gut feeling diagnosis.


I think you are being honest and up front. IMO what you are doing is fine.

Thank you for chiming in! ?


Sounds like the kind of criticism one gets from someone looking into a mirror. Your approach is mature and thoughtful.

Thank you. I was also told friendship before dating shows immaturity and a likelyhood to resort back to high school thinking. Perplexed about that as well!!

@AdorkableMe Don't feel bad about not understanding immature and perhaps more than a little dumb.


As it happens, i agree with you but, actually, that doesn't matter. You've obviously thought this through and you seem like an intelligent person. You say you're always upfront and honest about your situation and intentions. So I don't really see what the problem is. That's how you roll and no one has to roll with you if they don't want to. 🙂

JimmyM Level 7 July 24, 2018

Thank you. I was just having one of those "Have I somehow completely missed the boat" moments. Lol


People, you can live your life one of two ways;
The way YOU want to live it,
The way OTHERS want you to live it,
YOUR life, YOUR choice.

Thank you for the reminder. I am a pleaser by nature so I flex a lot towards others.

@AdorkableMe As I said, your life, your choice. There is no right or wrong choice.


Very well put! Friends first, romance second. I love your optimisim about how you at least made a new friend! More people need to think like that.

Thank you!!


You are on the right path....that other person has issues that are not yours....(if you are being totally up front.)

and believe me, I am. I'm not out to harm or take advantage of anyone!


It must be difficult being poly because so few people understand it ,and most just jumped to a conclusion. if you're being open and honest up front about exactly what you're looking for that's all you can do. like everyone else, you're going to have setbacks and disappointments.

I should have been more clear in my original post. This individual is also polyamorous. It's just really hard to wrap my head around his thought process here

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