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Trumps temperament....bat shit crazy!

goldrose 7 July 25

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It must be pretty fucked up to have to live with yourself when you suffer from all of the above at the same time. There are people who are institutionalized for suffering from any one of those things, and he is the fucking President. I did alot of acid decades ago, and l never saw anything as weird as this.


Is there a level higher than batshit crazy? He's been there for a long time and deserves some credit for his effort....

I keep wondering what comes after 'bat-shit crazy'---I think he's headed there regardless. At this point, however, I blame all his enablers (Cabinet, WH staff and Congress) who do not have the cojones to hold him accountable. And, who are willing to put our country's social, moral and philosophical underpinnings at risk by not taking action. I think we all know at this point that the Emperor has No Clothes.


I loved the Iranian responce..


They will have to invent new words for what he is, somehow I think the word trump is gonna gain a new meaning before it's over. I just wonder if any humans will be left to speak it. This is certainly going to be a redefining time no matter what the outcome. As Commander-in-Chief he has way more power than most understand. All that power in the hands of a spoiled rich kid in his 70s. I think he will do anything to keep power based on his past. I think its only gotten started. Now the right-wing is going after the investigation itself to make it look like it's not Trump. I would only hope the Dems would have ethics than just winning when it really comes down to it. Supporting the enemy just to stay in power. Hope they enjoy it while it lasts, they won't have control for long if history proves true. Then again they have gerrymander the country to such a level never seen but if the turn out is as big as I think it won't matter. I fear the republicans may do anything to keep power though since there doesn't seem there are any lines they won't cross.


Yes Batshit crazy..but..then again Fire & Fury turned into tea and cake with kim.

Whats next?..a game of football with Putin?

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