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Does anyone believe they have a seen a ufo and if so share your story of that experience.

rhinoman 3 July 25

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UFO sighting are routinely deleted from the internet and ridiculed by the US government, in their desperation to keep it all secret. But other countries don't care so much. For this reason many Americans are brain-washed into treating the subject as a joke.

I've seen 100s of UFOs in the 1960s-70s, usually with more than one witness-sometimes with crowds of people. We saw them up close, further away, following my car, etc. both in Haiti, where I grew up with American missionary parents, and in the US.

All the ones I saw were various sizes of saucer shapes with lights that ran around the rim, changing like the colors of courting squid, sometimes glowing bright like a sun, then going dark, then changing colors again.

They were all silent and the one that followed my car acted like a curious puppy, frisking around our car, making sorties to shine a floodlight around neighborhoods we were passing in the night, then returning to us again. It followed my husband and I for 300 miles, once hovering over so close it made our car stall.

One of them abducted my ex's college roommate for several hours in 1968, traumatizing him into having to have therapy.

There was a long gap where I didn't see any, until 2005 when one about the size of small house flew in low orbit over my Kentucky farm when I was out in the yard star gazing with a date. That craft was seemed to be of human origin though, with yellow framed oval portholes on each side of the slowly tumbling vehicle. It was lit on the inside.


I have. Was it aliens? I can't answer that. I saw a bright shining light up in the sky that looked like a star in the middle of the day. Sunny and clear. Thought it was strange so pointed it out to my mom. We looked at it for a couple of minutes. It didn't move or change in any way. Then it shot straight up and disappeared! Way to high to be a plane. I did live minutes away from Peterson Air Force Base though.


O hferpetssake, just what the world needs, more imaginary "friends".

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