Good evening peeps! I am new to this site! With hopes of reading intelligent posts, have pleasants conversations and make some new connections with people that understand my way of thinking!
Welcome. When you reach level 8 (you advance levels by participating on the site), they will send you a free T-shirt.
Which, we notice you aren't wearing... Lol
@TroyBarber64 The lighting roudn my computer is such that I have to literally arrange lights to take a (good) webcam photo. I will get around to it.
Glad to have you. I look forward your contributions and hope that we live up to your expectations.
Thanks a lot for your welcoming! I am still trying to figure out how this works! I will try to post every now and then a question or controversial theme so we can elaborate on it! Stay tuned peeps!!
The interface with this site can be quirky, but you'll get used to it.
Welcome> I can relate to your search. Spend my life doing it.
Welcome aboard & happy hunting!
Thanks for the welcome but not hunting just looking for intelligent discussions ! Have a nice day!
Clearly you have set a high bar! We can only hope that you will not be disappointed. In the universe of free thought, there is much room for interpretation. Peace.
Completely agreed with you! The universe of free thought is infinite to say the least! Thanks!
Welcome. I think you will find yourself in good company with others that share your views. My primary message as an atheist is "morality is not contingent on belief in a higher power". Now, if we can boil that down to a bumper sticker that the poorly educated can understand - hmm, ideas?
Maybe "God Doesn't Make You Good"?
How can we express this in about five words?
Welcome to the site. "May the force be with you!"...?
Yes!!!!! Love Star Wars btw!! Thanks
Hi, Morales, and welcome to the website,
By the way, this website has a bit of a learning curve.
For members who are open to dating, you will see that certain thumbnails and profiles have a heart symbol on them with a percentage. This identifies which members are open to dating, and the percent shows approximately how compatible you are with them. If you click the heart symbol on the top of their profile, you can see how it is determined.
You can improve your score in general by answering all the profile questions and writing a bio, which also earns you website points.
Commenting on posts and writing your own earns more points. At level two you can private message people, and at level eight you get an agnostic T-shirt.
The website uses profile algorithms to find member matches, so the more details one includes, the better the match.
Many people prefer to see a written profile talking about interests, hobbies, and backgrounds that can be quickly perused to find compatible partners.
In case you didn't know yet, to find members near you, click on the "Browse" button at the top of the page, then on "Members," and enter your preferred search parameters.
Click on the "Discuss" button, then "Nearby" to find members near you also.
Or click on the "About" button at the top left of the page to find links to FAQ or the website tutorial.
Points are now being given to level 3+ members who chat. You can see chat rooms on the group main page or at [].