If you and your girlfriend/boyfriend didn't live together, would you expect at LEAST a text message everyday ? Edit.
Maybe "expect" wasn't the word I wanted. And people seem to have to have a time table established. ....
So "..you've been dating for over a year....wouldn't it seem fitting to text/exchange some affection on those days you can't see each other..?"...
I think both people must be honest since the beginning and lay out expectations. Do I expect a text from you everyday? Or are we going to have a more lay off approach to this and communicate whenever we can without any expectations?
Personally, I like to plan long term with a nuanced open mind. So I would set no expectations in a short term relationship and I would set expectations in a long term relationship.
Great question.
It kind of depends on the relationship. If it’s new then no, but if you’ve been seeing each other for a while then maybe.
Hell no. Even when living with someone there are going to be busy days with opposite schedules where you might not see each other awake. Quality is more important than quantity.
If you personally need that level of attention from your partner then communicate it in a meaningful manner, but don't play it off as an expected standard if it hasn't been discussed.
I can't imagine anyone who would care enough to check up on me daily.
That would be weird.
Yes I would. I'm very insecure.
Depends on how much I like them
hopefully we like someone we call boyfriend or girlfriend? maybe even like them lots n lots n lots
No. Her thoughts and Prayers will be enough comfort.
It's nice, but certainly not expected. A barrage of texts every day can be annoying in any kind of relationship is annoying. One a day lets each other they are being thought of. Missing a day or two means they are human and sometimes simply can't or just need time for themselves.
It we lived together then yes, It would be nice and considerate. No if we are not. The relationship is just buildng and everything is not in place to have such expectations. Texting is sort of a double sword. Its nice to know they care but expectations are controlling.
I would like to talk everyday, of course. There is very important connection for me and I would like to spend more time with my lover in different ways.
no I would expect a great phone call are you with the person or not