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What's the last book you read that you really enjoyed? I just finished "Dear Hamilton", loved it.

Sunsetworshiper 6 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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The dark arifacts trilogy from Cassandra Clare. The shadow hunter world she created through over 15 books that always keeps you guessing and is always intertwined and the imagery and writing style sucks you in so well.


Del Amor y Otros Demonios, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.


The Collected Autobiographies of Maya Angelou


I just finished "The President is Missing" by Patterson and Clinton and really enjoyed it.

gearl Level 8 Aug 2, 2018

Midnight at the avenue of faith. By Gina Nahai or something like that. If you like Isabella Allende you will love this book.


The last book I genuinely thought was good that I read was Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules For Life. The last fictional book I read was The Lost Boys and that was because I had nothing better to do. I was just waiting to go home from basic training. Longest week of my life.

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