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Is evolution a fact or still just a theory. I'm an agnostic, and therefore, by nature a doubter. A skeptic. But, I think it's time to call an end to the debate. One of the most undeniable pieces of evidence is that exists is that all domestic dogs are descended from wolves. That includes your pug, your boxer, your poodle, your collie, your Chihuahua (though I have heard they bred them with Feral foxes, fascinating creatures). Yet, the very first book of the accepted canon of the bible repeats again and again that animals can only reproduce in their own kind. Not surprising from a person who thought the earth was the center of the universe. Last piece of evidence, because there is a mountain, I had to choose a favorite, geneticists have discovered that all polar bears are descendants of a single female brown bear in northern Europe. []

splittingzero 6 Jan 12

Enjoy being online again!

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In science, theory means it's a well-established, comprehensive explanation that relies on a great deal of supporting data collected using the scientific method (observation, testing, etc.). That doesn't mean we know everything about it, as there's always more to learn, but it's not a mere hypothesis. Theory is the very best evidence-based explanation we have. The problem is that everyday use of the word "theory" is more akin to "hypothesis" and that's where young-earth creationists get sidetracked, claiming evolution is "just a theory." They reveal themselves to be incredibly ignorant of the topic, confusing evolution for abiogenesis, conflating evolution with the big bang theory, and making silly statements like, "If we came from monkeys, then how come there are still monkeys?" The relationship of known life forms based on their physical characteristics and the fossil record matches precisely with what genetics tell us about relationships. That alone is significant. The consistent order of fossils in geological layers confirms chronology. Various dating methods confirm the age of the layers and provide us with a solid understanding of gradual change over great spans of time. The fact that multiple scientific disciplines provide consistent results is what makes evolution such a strong theory.

You beat me to it... and that's a good thing because I should be sleeping and you said it much nicer than I would have. Thank you sir

@splittingzero Scientific theory very much applies and has a specific meaning independent of colloquial use:


@splittingzero There is a different meaning when used in science. In science a facts are the basis of a theory. A theory is the highest level of accumulated facts. It is not conjecture or guesses or speculation.
For example we know germs exist this is a fact . We have germ theory, that is the science of studying how germs work. Not speculation on whether they exist.
Words have different meanings. Theist often purposely use the word theory in the wrong context to cast doubt on evolution to support their position of creation.
Please check out aronra the fundamental falsehoods of creation on YouTube.


The pile-on about your understanding of the word theory was pretty thorough, so I'll address your use of skeptic. A skeptic isn't someone who doubts. He or she is someone who wants his or her beliefs to be supported by evidence. So a skeptic should accept evolution as the explanation for Earth's biodiversity because that is where the evidence leads.

@splittingzero I've explained myself clearly. I think you're a troll. I'm done with you.


You need to understand what a theory is in science. A theory is a means to explains the facts and give a valid explanation of a phenomenon. It is the highest level of scientific understanding and explanation.


There is no doubt that evolution is established as fact. We know it happens. It has been observed. We know a great deal about how it happens. We can make reasonably accurate predictions based on the theory. The only area open to question is the element of natural selection, the Darwinian posit, however, even that is now pretty well pinned down.

Short, sweet, and enlightening article: []


Evolution is fact.


In science theories are considered facts. The fact that people are still debating about this in the 21st century says a lot about how little some of have "evolved".

@splittingzero You should research on how the scientific community define "theory". You'll find that no scientist will ever state a belief as 100% undeniable fact - because, as you know being an agnostic, no one can know every thing. As a skeptic, you should understand that no one should be presumptuous to the point that they'll reject everything only for the act of rejection.

By saying that however, "theory" in the scientific community is very highly regards as "almost truth" because up to this point in time, any belief that's been classified as "theory" has not been dis-proven. Although, it may later on.

Also, I think your understanding of the names "dark energy" and "dark matter" may need clarification. Scientists only label them "dark energy" or "dark matter" because they are "dark" on what they actually are. To clarify: they actually don't know what they are. They just know that they are something.

@splittingzero Oh, please. "I think that "dark energy" and " dark matter" are errors in math and arrogant presumptions "? Seriously?

Please, go through the mathematical errors in detail for us to show your intellectual superiority ... and also, please show the corrections necessary to make the math work. Many, many astrophysicists will appreciate your help correcting their arrogant presumptions.

Wait ... let me get my popcorn ... this is going to be good.

@AtheistInNC There are lots of possible debates here. Sometimes it is difficult to get one's ideas across in a clear manner which happens often with me. Going through the comments can be a real learning process.

One thing I am glad is that so many are willing to discuss difficult issues in a open-minded direction. I have had some problems with being attacked for my 'heretical' ideas. I would like to start a discussion on this. We will need the extra large bucket of popcorn.

@astrochuck I stated no facts, so I am not sure to which facts you are addressing as "mine". What I was deriding was his arrogance in stating the mathematics is incorrect without showing the evidence of the mathematical incongruities. You can't just say "the math is wrong" if you don't understand it in the first place. No evidence of incorrect mathematics = no argument that it is incorrect.

Also, this statement was not addressed at you, so again I am perplexed why you would say that "I don't need to prove anything to you." You certainly don't, and I didn't ask you to.

@astrochuck no harm, no foul. All good. 😉
I hope my reply was not taken as a jab at you, because it was not meant as one. If my reply seemed harsh, my apologies as well.

@astrochuck @AtheistInNC, thank you both for restoring my faith in the civility of this forum. Just a moment ago, I was feeling quite insulted by someone.

@carlyhorton I submitted a post to address just that issue. Civility is paramount to working out issues especially divisive ones.

@astrochuck. No need to apologize! It was someone totally different who I thought was uncivil, and not in this thread. I was inspired by the way you and @AtheistInNC handled a misunderstanding! It would be nice if everyone handled things with that level of grace.

@carlyhorton Did you see a recent post about the civility issue? It is a good example of how I feel about the civility issue.
I have a past, close 'woman friend' and we disagreed on a variety of subjects. I saw her as a "bleeding Heart' liberal and she agreed. In the end we know how each of us feels and are still great friends after 20 years. When I visit we still get into our discussions when on a hike. Her husband walks ahead because he doesn't like politics. We are at the point we just laugh it off. It has become a fun game for us.

@JackPedigo I looked for it but didn't find it. I'll try using "civility" as a keyword in the search?

@JackPedigo Didn't find it again. Could you go to that post and tag me from it?

@carlyhorton I am still trying to learn how things work. try "@

Why did you join this site?"


You need to educate yourself on what science calls a "theory" versus what you think a "theory" is. In scientific discussions, a theory is NOT a "plausible conjecture".

Evolution is a fact, and documented just as solidly as the theory of gravity. If you think gravity is still a theory, please step out of a 20-story window with a stopwatch, pen and paper and document the results.

People who conjecture about scientific studies and scientific theories should probably get a degree in a hard science like biology, physics, or even mathematics before they start spouting off crap about which they know nothing. Ignorance is almost as ugly as religion.


That does get kind of interesting- there's biological evolution, and then there's Darwinian natural selection. Biological evolution is an observable phenomenon- a fact, if you will. We can observe it happening, be it through modern examples like bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics or through observing the fossil record. Darwinian natural selection is a theory explaining how evolution works (although, just to muddy things up, some people are starting to consider natural selection an observable phenomenon, too!). So I think that's where part of the confusion comes in. You've got an evolutionary theory (natural selection) that in the public's eyes has become synonomous with biological evolution itself, but in reality, the two things are different.


Evolution ceased being a "theory" a long time ago. Those who insist otherwise are incorrect.


Evolution is a still just a theory, highly supported by evidence and 99.9% likely to be true, but hell maybe a plasmid of extraterrestrial origin carried here by a meteorite caused one if the developmental steps not just plain old natural selection. Not likely but vaguely possible so like everything else that is filtered through our own limited perceptions it is just a theory.
If you want certainty, only religion promises that.

Kimba Level 7 Jan 13, 2018

yes, a good theory can be put to scientific testing. if it passes the latest test it stands but we never know what the next test will show. think of all the new tools, hubble, cassini, cern, etc., available to science that wasn't available to newton or even Einstein. a theory can be substantiated but never proved.

@astrochuck if you're talking to someone who is science minded, JUST a theory works fine. a theory can never be proved to be correct. an hypothesis is elevated to the status of theory after much testing but we never can know if it will pass future tests. you're correct in saying that newton wasn't wrong, but he wasn't completely correct either. evolution, general relativity, Newtonian physics, all just scientific theory.

@astrochuck the problem we're having is with how you define "theory". in science a theory is an explanation of how something works. a gravitational field is a fact, where einstien and newton have introduced theories to explain how it works.

@astrochuck so general relativity does not explain that the gravitational effect between masses results from their warping of spacetime???

@astrochuck in this we agree. you contradict your earlier statement however.


The process of evolution is something which we can study and observe with all of our senses, so it is something which we are able to categorize as fact.


Evolution is a proven scientific principle, not a theory. there things in our current conceptions about evolution which will be proven wrong later. Of course -- that is the nature of the scientific process. But, it still does not negate the principle.


Just my plain and simple answer. Something built us from the beginning.

@splittingzero. Yeah buddy!


'Just a theory' is an uneducated and unscientific description of ANY scientific theory. Especially when referring to evolution by natural selection. Not only is there not a single scrap of evidence to the contrary of this theory, but several other fields of study have arisen due to it's discovery, and/or corroborated it's validity.


Maybe you don't quite understand what a scientific theory is .i.e. The theory of gravity , the theory of flight . The theory of relativity. There is no debate

Yes! I explain to students that they can take a class in Music Theory and it will not be a class trying to figure out if music exists.

@splittingzero Music Theory is a real field of study. Music exists.

@splittingzero Change the analogy to Germ Theory of Disease. do you think Germs are real? Gravitational Theory? No one is using theory to speculate whether or not music, microbes, or gravity is real.


you are so right we humans have cheated nature in so many things, especially our food and not always if at all for the best. nature selects because of changing habitat the strong or adaptable where man does what he likes but the exact same process. that's just a fact.


Evolution is a fact like gravity is a fact. We do not absolutely understand how either one works, but the facts remain.


Scientific theory
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation. Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge.

and as stehen hawking often says, "a theory can never be proved to be correct."


What a great post to bring out all our scientists in here. Thanks guys for going after this and keeping it alive.



This gives a good explanation. 🙂

Animals (humans included) adapt to new environments over time. This explains why humans around the world look different (bone structure, features, skin color, and hair).

Betty Level 8 Jan 13, 2018

All hypotheses


I am agnostic and I wish I could say evolution was a matter of fact. Science can trace us from fish, to
amphibians, to land mammals, to primates, but at least I haven't heard that they have found the definitive missing link. I don't have another plausible explanation, but still will struggle saying evolution is fact. In some ways it makes me feel inadequate as an agnostic, but I am true to my self.

You really need to do some research then. The fact that you said "missing link" shows that you know very little about evolution. Here's a link to a page from UC Berkley with a ton of resources for you to start with. Don't wait for one source to "tell" you that evolution is "a fact." Dive into the actual data. There's a lot. It will take a while. []

@carlyhorton Always willing to read. Thank you


It’s a theory but highly supported by evidence.

Science is research with evidence. Nothing is certain. But it’s better to than some story made up by vagrant tribesmen in the Middle East. @splittingzero

That’s true here. In a limited number of cases here. We can’t speak in absolute terms. @splittingzero

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