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I'm curious to understand: Do you hold grudges? If so, what purpose do grudges serve? Does holding a grudge help a person who holds the grudge feel better? Or just self-righteous?

skye724 7 Aug 5

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I hold grudges for protection. I will never give someone an opportunity to screw me over twice. A quick example, each of my young adult sons have a friend that has betrayed me, one by lying and helping my son lie to me, which is an ultimate sin for me, and the other friend screwed me out of alot of money and turned around and attacked me (verbally) when I called him on it. Lots more to each instance, but my sons both think I should get over it again so friends can come around again. Not. Going. To. Happen.

Understandable. Is it hard on you to keep those defenses in place?

@skye724 sometimes. But it also helps me to keep moving forward and try to avoid going backwards. Hurt me once, shame on you. hurt me twice, shame on me.

@skye724 and I should add that I don't let the grudge rule me, give me drama, or weigh me down, I simply use it to determine my relationship with the offender.


It’s very hard for me to do so. I may think I will but I usually always (truthfully always) let go of my anger and find forgiveness. I just cannot stay angry.

Anger expressed beats anger repressed any day. Sounds like you're pretty healthy to me.


I have a grudge against a physician that missed my dh's stage 4 adenocarcinoma, and before that spoke to me like i was a heroin addict after I'd quit smoking, as I was looking for help to "get over the hump".
I don't think the result of that grudge, finding another dr, is hurting me. If anyone is looking for another dr I steer them clear of HIM. So yeah.

That doesn't sound like a grudge to me. It sounds like you got fucked over and you're having a common sense reaction. To me, a grudge is when you deliberately punish someone in a personal relationship. What you're doing sounds pretty common sense to me.


My ex still holds a grudge against me divorcing him. It's been 3 years. He will hold that til the day he dies. And it will destroy him and my son will spend years in therapy because of it. It's unhealthy and solves nothing. He may feel self righteous but to what end?

Hihi Level 6 Aug 5, 2018

There seems to be collateral damage to the people around the grudge holder - but as you can see from the comments here, grudges seem to make some people proud of themselves. This is so interesting to me.


I've been accused of holding grudges when I cut negativity, mean, cruel people out of my life, regardless of who they are.

I have 2 sisters I don't speak to because I don't need that level of cruelty & abuse in my life.

I don't wish them ill, I just have nothing to do with them.

If thats holding a grudge, then yes. In reality, its self-preservation.

My sister doesn't speak to meas well. I don't wish her harm either. But I also am glad she finally chose to cut ties because our relationship was very toxic. Do I hold a grudge? Not in the sense that I hold anger in my heart. I just don't want her back in my life.


@Hihi i love these people who say, "oh but thats your sister. She's blood. You should forgive her."

I always respond, "why should I accept gross abuse from some who is supposed to love me? I don't accept even half this level of abuse from a supposed friend or a stranger for that matter, so why should I just take it from a family member?" They cannot give a good answer.

@SallyInStitches Do your sisters feel the same way about you? Are these grudges reciprocal? And here's what I believe: No one has a right to tell you whom to forgive. That's entirely up to you. Forgiveness is a deeply personal act.

@skye724 one sister, The Martyr, prays for my heathen soul to come "back to the fold", all the while criticizing my life & career choices, my parentung skills, etc. The other sister lost everything due to bad decisions & awful, untreated depression. She is abusive because i won't let her move into my home & allow her to dictate what happens here & run my life into the ground. I'm the youngest so I guess they feel I don't show enough deference. Oh well.

@SallyInStitches Family pain is the most gruelling, isn't it?


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Grudge is applied and I feel better. ?

So you think grudges truly help you feel better? If they do, then I understand the strategy, I guess.

@skye724 I was in a longterm abuse relationship. The level of verbal and physical abuse was cruel at least. No one has a right to treat another that way. Yes, some people deserve to have grudges because at that point they can never forgive that person for what they did. When the relationship began I joked we were "Beauty and the Beast. By the end I wasn't joking when I said "Beauty was the Beast. I want nothing to do with that person ever again and the grudge runs deep.

@RoadGlider I can relate. I was sexually abused as a child from the time I was 4 years old by a family member. When I confronted that family member after 8 years of therapy, he laughed at me. I offered to go to therapy with him. He thought it was a joke. He was an evil lizard. But here's the thing: although I never interacted with him again, I forgave him. It was such a relief. I could even see how he became what he was. I don't believe what he did was right - but that's not the essence of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a gift I gave myself, to rid myself of him completely. If I kept hating him, he got the right to live inside me, rent free, for the rest of my life.

That's why grudges are interesting to me. I've rejected them, but the more I read, the comments here, the more I realize that for some very smart people, grudges are a strategy that seem to work. They just didn't work for me.

@skye724 I can forgive. This grudge doesn't make me hate. Im at peace with it since it was well earned on her part. I've learned my grudge has kept her in check since then. I've been around her since, for my daughter graduation and other stuff but never talked to her, only her family. She became a chronic liar to her family trying to hide it all. While there I set her family straight on what happened. She had her family fighting each other because some knew what happened and she tried to discredit them, her own family, by making them seem like liars. Now they know the truth and she has been discredited. This grudge is my way of saying you don't even deserve to know me and what you did to me, and my kids, and the lies you told your family to hide your abusive ways can never be forgiven. Hmmm, I should have done something early on but my love for her betrayed me. I should have had her arrested but I lied to protect her. Even after she stabbed me on 2 separate occasions I could not. I knew it was a combination of mental illnesses that was the cause but she refused to get help and I felt helpless. I've been fine emotionally, it just made life very miserable then.


I tend to not hold grudges. When I do, it is for reasons of self-preservation. The guy that called me an asshole in line at the MVA is just having a bad day and didn't see that he was in the wrong line when I got in front of him. I apologize and let him in front of me - cut the schmuck some slack. The family member that consistently wrongs me or the ex-student that stalked me and I had to get the police involved to make it stop - they get the grudge. My separation from them is a must. I don't like it, but some things I can't remedy. I would feel better if we all got along, but I'm not going to live in some Polly Anna fantasy. Why would I allow that dillusion and then be non-religious?

Self-righteousness is never a good thing. I'm convinced nothing good comes from it. When I see it in myself, I usually think it as just being prideful. I try to make no space for it.


I don't hold grudges, but I do have a memory...

One of the most interesting pieces of sportscasting I hear when I watch NFL games is the idea that the best quarterbacks have amnesia. When they make a mistake, they forget it instantly, because holding on to negative memories impairs their game. Sounds right to me.


No, absolutely not. My grandfather did and we lost track of part of the family for an entire generation because of it.


I can't hold grudges. Well, let's just say at a certain point I have to let it go, because the other person has moved on and I'm still left holding my anger.

Letting go DOESNT have to be forgiveness... I'm not setting myself up for a repeat

@Will-I-AM Yeah, it doesn't. I won't let it happen again, but holding on to my anger doesn't help me. I've learned that from already doing it way too much for way too long.


Never. Complete waste of energy


I do not. Never have. I have never been wronged by another person where I couldn’t forgive or give one more chance or where I remained bitter. Forgiveness has always come very easy for me.


I personally think that any form of hate is a waste of time and energy with the exception of liver and onions. I just write the person off as a lesson learned and go on with my life.


Maybe a grudge if someone has deeply betrayed me...or just self-protection so they do not have a chance to do it again? Not sure of the difference


I have nobody around and no pets. I’d have to hold a grudge against myself.

I do tend to get stuck into anger thoughts when people do bad things to me. I have a hard time letting go. I know holding on to anger or resentment only hurts the person that doesn’t forgive, but it’s not always easy for me. Ultimately, it all comes from the fact I hate arrogance, bullying, wrongdoing, injustice.

Coming to terms and accepting someone discriminated against you, or stole one of your rights, or possessions and simply gets away with it, kind of drives me crazy.


I used to hold all my grudges, but it was tiring so I made a box and now I keep them in there.

Sounds like this...


Grudges are waste of emotional energy and personal time. On the other hand: Never surrender thy Dignity! Its best to forgive. But NEVER FORGET. For example how the white man's genocide of native america is now Real Estate... My motto is "Forgive, but Nevar Forget!"


I do not. Never have. I have never been wronged by another person where I couldn’t forgive or give one more chance or where I remained bitter. Forgiveness has always come very easy for me.


It is a form of existence that can be used to achieve goals or corrupt your character, which can leave you lonely and bitter. Choose which you want to live with.

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