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I wonder how many here have a working knowledge or better of the Bible.

I was fortunate growing up to have two parents who were voracious readers and who encouraged all three of their children to read. We had three different sets of books bought for our benefit. One was the Smithsonian Series, one was Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories, and one was The Bible Pageant, six books that retold all the stories in the Bible, in order, lavishly illustrated with great religious art. At the same time, our parents were not themselves particularly religious. I developed a fondness for fairy tales from all sources, and I read the Bible Pageant books numerous times in that spirit. As a result I know very well what happens in the Bible, without necessarily knowing chapter and verse verbatim. I can hold my own in arguments about what the Bible says, which has helped me in discussions with strong believers.

So how many of you know the Bible, despite not believing in it, and do you consider it valuable knowledge? Thanks.

Gene_in_SoCal 4 Aug 8

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Many if not most of us on here are familiar enough with the babble to know we want no part of it!

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