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Why does the Democratic Party like Trump so much? After all they got him elected.

MrControversy 7 Aug 8

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  1. The states the Russians targeted narrowly went for Trump.
  2. Blacks didn't vote for their interest (reverting to apathy).
  3. White trash didn't vote for their interest (brainwashed and dim).
  4. White women didn't vote for their interest (Stockholm Syndrome variant).
  5. Sanders voters bombarded by Russian anti-Clinton bots.
  6. Fence-sitters pushed by Comey's partisan posturing.
  7. The whole mess was orchestrated by the Deep State as demonstrated by the wholesale apathy of the FBI and all the other intelligence agencies, and Obama. Everything the Russians did, they did in Ukraine with Manafort's help. At least the Ukraines kicked out their puppet.

Why are right-wingers indistinguishable from trolls?


Your archaic American electoral system managed to get this draft dodger elected. No body was more surprised than he.


He lost by over 3 million votes. The people elected Clinton. The system elected Trump. Step away from the donuts and pay attention.


Really nasty rabble-rousing question with no intent other than to rile us up...pass it by, don't give the poster the satisfaction. Now is not the time for divisiveness!


Let me set you straight, Mr. Trump was not elected! He was appointed by the Electoral College (and I wonder how much they were paid for that, also where they retired to after their deed)!!


Is this a serious question? Because I'm really, really REALLY tired of being blamed for the asswipe's ''election."


Because the Repukelicans are no different than the Democraps and the Democraps and no different than the Repukelicans. They just WANT you to think there is a difference. If they keep everyone distracted, divided, and arguing....then no one will notice that there is a Big Government machine behind it all and in control.


What have you been smoking? You couldn't be more wrong.

Democrats are fired up against Trump across America:



I don’t understand your premise.


Don't be asinine, Trump voters in the rust belt got the great cheeto elected.

Dont forget russia

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