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How do you spread the good word of being an anti theist or atheist?

Boxes 3 Jan 14

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I don't, but I do make sure I know the bible better than the thumpers so I can hold them accountable to their own standard when they are being judgemental assholes lol. I actually have a certificate of ministry from back in the day.


A lot of you have said you don't spread the word and most because of the basis that you don't want others doing it to you. I certainly can respect that. It concerns me that we are the largest minority that does not wield our unified power in congress. We don't even know who we are. This site helps us identify each other and that's start because we can now start to organize, if we so wish. However, all movements start with conversations.

Many of you took my question as being a way force others into listening about atheism but I don't that's what I was asking. We all can have conversations about religion or lack there of and do so in a positive manner. I talk about it because I want find like minded folks.

Boxes Level 3 Jan 28, 2018

Honestly... I fish with pantheism memes and atheist memes on fb to see who bites lol


Mostly, by being the best person I can be, and letting others assume I am christian. Then, after all the discussions of right/wrong, general morality, etc have taken place, I let them say something about what they assumed about me and my 'faith' - it put things in a different light, once they realize that I can do all the good things Christians are supposed to do, without buying into it.


I don't. I don't want people to push their worldview on me, and I won't do it to them. If there's an opportunity for a substantive, respectful conversation, I have it. Otherwise, I mmob.


People need to come to their own conclusions on what to believe. Otherwise, being a doorknocker for your beliefs is no different than them be doorknockers for their beliefs...


By being a good and moral person as the religious, if not better. And by actually engaging, talking and being a good friend to them. Also, not being a smug asshole helps.


When I believed in religion, I believed that my religious beliefs were my business -- and no one else's. To a large extent, I feel thae same way about my sbsence of belief -- unless or until some religious person or group infringes on my rights.


I leave spreading the "word" to fanatical Christian types.

Either folks awaken their minds on their own - or not


I don’t feel the need to tell others how I want them to think.


The trailer hitch on my truck shows the darwin fish atop the xtian one but I do not think most people notice it.

I used to have bumper stickers but the truck got vandalized a lot. They left notes so I know it was the criminals for christ.

I have been fortunate that most people I know despite being believers, do not seem to care although I do wait til they know me better before disclosing it.

I understand that there is a need for all kinds of ambassadors and when I was younger I was much more militant about my non belief but now I choose the carrot approach because I do not want to contribute to the belief that we are angry at god


I'm with MsOliver on this one - we should not proselytise; anyone who wants to know more can find agnostics, atheists or antitheists should they wish to do so.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 14, 2018

This site and facebook.

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