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Sorry this is a long post.
little bit about being a chef.
This whole thought came from watching some cooking shows.

To start off I have to go from the begining.
My grandmother was from Florence, and she could cook like a master cheff.
She and I were very close, so at an early age she had me work with her making some amazing Italian dishes.

As I grew up a bit I thought that that cooking was something I really wanted to do.
I didn't have the money to go to a school for that, so I had to work my way up from the trenches.

One thing to remember is that most cooks have an extrordinary ego trip.
so they always clash with management, or the manager, or thier chef.

I grew through the ranks, and eventually got to work for some of the best rated chefs.

upon hiring, I made it very clrar that I was not only here to cook, but to learn from the chef. And that notion started a great career.

so a while into it I had the pleasure of working with some of the best chefs.

So, because I had a great report with a lot of them, I got some great positions.

After a while I got to be head chef, at a place, which worked out rather well.

But because of the recomdations I started getting head hunted from quite a few kitchens.

At this time I was well above being just a cook.
So I answered a few of the calls from a few restaurants that were having a hard time dealignd with a system that wasn't quite working.

So on my behalf and some great recomandations
I was in a position to change every thein from the staff, changing the menue to better suit the restaurant.

I went through this many times.
But one thing always stuck with me was how willing Those that taught me had the calm paicience to teach me the basics, and the elite dishes
Which I Havetaken a lot from.

And so I payed it forward. Any one that liked to cook, yet was hindered by experience, or lack of.
I always made it a point to take the time to show them The basics, and when that came, I would teach the high end stuff, just like the greats I worked under before.

I burned out after a few yeas after. That industry is relentless, and I had finally just stopped.

But the coolest thing was the fact that I have kept in touched with a few that have moved up the ranks, and made a name for them selves.

I have no ego about it, I just love the fact that I had any kind of influance one others, as others did for me.

Even though I was always patient with other workers, I still had that moment when I just wanted to screem at the, which I never did.

What ghot me into this thought was watching Gordon Ramsay.
Yes he does have a temper, and rightfully so. these are so called 'chefs', and they are terrible kitchen runners.. I've never got as vocal as ramsay does, but the thoughts were the same.
This first one is just gordon gowing about at some people that call themselves 'Chefs".. I love the honestly he shows.

After a bit of yelling, I had to post his other side.
The times he was impressed.

it great to see how nice he is working with children.
TristanNuvo 8 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Great post! The more I hear about being a Chef, the more I realize it can be highly stressful, competitive, and wow it really requires a lot of skill.

Congrats on all your success! I love cooking. I started to get into it last summer. Better late than never!


Great story, thanks for sharing. I have a lot of respect for chefs. I had a friend some years ago who was one and I don't know how he managed the long hours and the intense environment. He got burned out, too.

Even though I burned out doing it for a job, I still love to cook something special for my friends when we get together.


I love Gordon Ramsey.


All that typing just so I can watch Gordon Ramsey scream! Really?

Did you watch the second vid. It shows the other side of him where he is being very nice and supportive.

@TristanNuvo i see him on Master Chef Junior all the time...still a Lot of typing!!

@Davethecave WTF asked you to speak for me? Plus 100% wrong. I do like a Point in a story, though, silly me.

@AnneWimsey aren't you glad you didn't have to do the typing lmao

@sellinger amen!


He can be very supportive of up and coming chefs who are really working it!


Gordon Ramsey is a great chef. He is the judge Judy of the culinary world lol

He's a soccer player from way back, in a country where soccer means something (which is a lot of them, but still.) I think he even played professionally. I think that may inform a lot of how he operates professional group dynamics.

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