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How do you think you speak on a daily basis? More from a logical side or more for my creative side? Me.... More creative sometimes it's not good sometimes it is. But I know that this is always Ben who I am I tap into my right side of my brain more. How about you?

HardBlues69 7 Aug 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I think the distinction is not as sharp as you draw it. The two mix and most of the time are hard to distinguish. I work in business so most people would say logical, but I have to be creative to land accounts, move things along etc.

My undergraduate and graduate degrees are in business administration/marketing, which most think of as a creative field. I chose marketing (I have a minor in accounting) because of the blend of art and science. The digital age and advances in brain science have made the science, supposedly logical part more pronounced. But there is still plenty of art.


When I have a creative thaught I don’t tap into anything or focus on one side of the brain over an other. The mind works without understanding or regard for the workings of the brain... I think a thing without the analytics. It’s like playing the guitar, the theory is underlying what’s happening but I don’t need to think about it to play music.


I enunuciate.


A little of both, but mostly creative. I like room to think.

grumy Level 5 Aug 13, 2018

I dunno. I try to use a rich vocabulary and a lot of profanity. Simple to-the-point communication is for instruction manuals IMHO, not conversation.


I can do creative and logical..but I am a lover of spending any more than fleeting moments dwelling in the logical side of my brain would feel like I was cheating somehow.




Functional, but my fun side can escape, possibly more so with the cats and on here.


Whichever side responds most quickly to small humans doing whatever they aren't supposed to be doing.


I do like to crack wise and get a cheap laugh, so if you want to call that creativity, that's the deal. I will carry on coherent conversations with anyone who has the brains to figure out what I am saying, so I guess it's a little of both. You've got to be brave to be funny.


I tend to lean heavily into logic; that being said, I do work for a computer software company, so it's not exactly my fault.


I do a little of both depending on what the conversation is.


It depends on the circumstances. There are cases where only rational thought and carefully ordered speech will serve, and there are times when the more off the wall, the better it is. Remaining flexible and ready to adapt to the situation is the important thing. The other important things are being able to recognize what is required, having a rational capacity, and being able to let it all hang out when needed.

There you go this one works


I am I think a bit of each - except that I didn 't learn any maths at all till I was nearly 9 years old and at 70 y.o I am still playing catch up - So the calculating side of my brain isn't in full fettle and I am very often laughed at as other people do really complicated maths in seconds -

I learned to read very easily and I have a degree in fine and applied arts- I think confidence is the trick - I have I think always been an outsider seen in social settings as that weird woman so its difficult to even think about much - when there is so much information coming in about not coming up to the mark.I actually don't mind being laughed at if its in an ok way because I know I am all right and wouldn't hurt anyone and its one way of being accepted being a joker. I rather think they don't know to what extent numbers and I are not engaging.


From a logical side. it's often perceived as nit-picky, so I hold back (what I think is) a lot.


Pretty balanced. I have read that ambidextrous people bounce back and forth between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Which made sense to me looking at the behavioral patterns throughout my life.

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