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If a vegan restaurant opened in your area, would you go to it?

Perhaps you've already ventured into such establishment(s) before. I've really only heard of a scattered amount of places near my area. Do you believe there's a demand for such places in or near your area?

MyLiege 7 Aug 17

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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No more or less than anywhere else. I'd be looking at good food, good prices, value for money. I couldn't give a toss about the lack of meat issue 🙂


Definitely would go! Would love some vegan fast food as well 🙂


Only if I was with someone who wanted to go. I'm a carnivore.


Nope. There's some demand around here.


Partial to Indian.


No and no


loads in edinburgh and yeah if the reviews were good. Being a university town and our nations capital the demand will keep going up so expect to see more opening in near future


The vegan restaurants around here are almost all Indian food, which is fine if you like chickpeas, tahini, and curry. I know of three near me, and several others with vegan selections on the menu but which are not 100 percent vegan.


There are a couple of vegan restaurants in my community. They stay busy!! I’m not vegan but enjoy eating and cooking vegan/vegetarian food.


No, and I have no idea.
I have zero interest in veganism.
I don't think too many people in this part of the country do either.

You're probably right.


though, the need for protein is overstated, at least in America. If a person is truly protein deficient, chances are they are deficient in other areas and very sickly. Vegetables, grains etc all have protein. I mostly use tofu and lentils and nuts, and for convenience, I like the Gardein products. They make the chikn strips I mentioned earlier.

If I crave a burger, the best I’ve found is the Beyond Burger. They are found in the refrigerated section at Whole Foods and the like. If you are dining out, look for The Impossible even “bleeds”

My response to the above:: It comes from a vegan(NC caroline) so it will not be well received and will be rejected. This impossible burger is the height of processed food. It is made from soy and contains wheat. Imagine that it was made to smell like a barbecued hamburger, and look as if it bleeds. Can anyone think this is healthy. It isn't. It has negative energy.

Tofu may contain protein but it comes from soy. No plant protein is complete or as bio available as protein from animal products. Soy is a monoculture crop that is devastating to the ecosystem to grow-loss of topsoil, water and billions of sentient animals killed. I know you vegans will argue.

Plus vegetables and grains all have antinutrients that plants have evolved to protect themselves from predators. Their are people who react to basil. Black beans and corn significantly interfere with absorption of minerals, like zinc from any foods.


I've had good vegan cuisine, and sometimes cook it, but in "Sportsman's Paradise" there's almost no way one would open up here!


Buffalo (NY) has been slow on the uptake here-one opened and it busy every day. There are quite a few regular restaurants that offer vegan options because, no question, it is a coming force. Toronto Canada, has many, many vegan options-quite a few local “chains”. It’s about an hour and a half from where I live. Local grocery stores are definitely offering v options. I think the demand is on the rise for sure.


i have no problem at all with people not wanting to eat meat.
But what I don't like is (and I've seen this a lot). vegans getting WAY to high and mighty about trying to shame people that eat meat.
I've seen countless vids of a bunch of vegans storming into a resturaunt holding up signs and yelling something to the tune of 'meat is murder' .
or that will stand out side of it and plaster hate on the windows.

I did see one vid, and I'll post it where a chef found a way to get back at them, and never said a word.
The ironic thing is that the woman vegan says that the owner has gone out of his way to mock us.
What exactly do you think she is doing.
The same thing.

I guess they are passionate about how meat is produced. Change doesn’t just happen by sitting idly by, if you see injustice take action. Personally I don’t tell people how to eat, I just don’t eat anything animal, that’s my actions. But I respect a lot of the activists, not all mind you, PETA be crazy. Freedom though ?‍♀️

@Kriptikos Just like I am with religion.
If it works for you, well then great. just don't force it on me, and I won't force it on you.

@TristanNuvo of course it’s a real problem not just fantasy like religion is.

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