68 8

Guacamole for me.

Funnygir175 7 Aug 17

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Sushi. Absolutely love seafood, but cooked please!

Dew25 Level 7 Aug 18, 2018

Stuffing/dressing. It's a mushy, sticky, gloppy mess, and sage is often used as a primary spice, which I can't stand.

Sweet potatoes. Its cloying aftertaste is quite unpleasant to me, though I did find a soup containing sweet potato that doesn't have that aftertaste, so I can eat that.

Beets. I have tried canned and fresh, but I can't be an adult when it comes to this vegetable.

"can't be an adult... " lol


Surf and Turf.

I just don't like the combination.

Angus Level 5 Aug 18, 2018

Banana ?

@Crimson67 Just for you 🙂


Fresh tomatoes


Green peppers.


Steak and chicken


I'm with you. No avocados.

@jc2018 I dislike them but am always open to a changing palette. They also make my mouth itch. I think I might have a slight allergy.

@Lifesgood208 Yup one of the first signs of a food allergy.
Don't eat it again without being tested. The next time could be your last.

I learned this with Shrimp. I'd have "just one". Not anymore!


Peppers of any kind

@pepperjones Peppers are very good for you.

@Sticks48 I'm sure they are, but I can't stand them. Not sure why, but blech!


Sandwiches. The only sandwich that I like is grilled cheese. My doctor wants me to minimize carbs. So, my anti-sandwich propensity comes in pretty handy.

Zster Level 8 Aug 17, 2018

Brussel sprouts.

godef Level 7 Aug 17, 2018

@jc2018 ... and a little bit of Ronald Reagan's favorite vegetable: ketchup!

@JustLynnie Oy


Coconut and Peanut Butter. But then again either could kill me.

Add Spinach to that list. lol Oh and Fish and Shellfish.

This new "Add Coconut to everything" craze has not been good. More labels to read in the store.

I just found out I’m allergic to a LOT of stuff, so food is limited to meat and salad. No fun.

@Butterflywndr I've got this giant list of what I can and can't eat. Also things I can eat every several days.

I really do feel your pain. I hope you at least have some enjoyable fruits in there.

Thankfully gluten doesn't seem to be an issue for me. (Phew).

Food allergies are no joke. Reading labels is a nightmare (as some foods change ingredients from the last time you bought it).
Living this with my girl, who's had 2 very serious peanut exposures in as many years. So scary.


Okra. There is nothing I hate more.

I've never had it - however from the descriptions of "Kind of slimy" I'm not tempted.

It's good in Chili only becuz it looks so cool.

@RavenCT kind of slimy is right.. and people here eat it fried and pickled and in all kinds of stuff and it makes me want to puke thinking about it. Lol

@jc2018 yeah, but when drowned in a good chili, you don't even taste it. But it still looks cool.

@RavenCT, it's not slimy when it's fried. And if you boil it with diced tomatoes they cut the slime. Personally I think it's delicious, slime and all.


Peas, although I guess they aren't something people would love. Seafood. Most people seem to like it a lot so I'm tickled that I'm in such good company on that one. 🙂


Guacamole, lasagna, mushrooms

Mushrooms taste like slimy dirt!


Seafood. Yep, anything that comes from the water (freshwater as well).


Raw onions (on burgers or anything)


Black olives. Taste like poison should, imo.
Cilantro, tastes like soap, flashbacks of being the foul mouth kid in Catholic school.
White rice that wasn't stir fried.

Orly Level 5 Feb 11, 2020

any baked goods that contain pecans or walnuts

Lauxa Level 5 Sep 9, 2018

Not found anything that I really don't like and I've eaten some pretty weird stuff including Surstömming, sea cucumber, whole frog, snake, chicken feet, fried sparrows, raw liver and lamb, various insects, stink tofu, durian and a whole load of other interesting stuff. I like everything I've tried that's real food (I'm not totally keen on processed crap but I don't really class that as proper food)

That should be Surströmming

@Pete66 your bravery is admirable. That stuff would kill me before it got to my mouth.


Buffalo wings I just don't get it


Beets are the worst smell and flavor on the planet.




dead animals aka carrion


Seafood...all of it

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