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I need to post something here and I'm not really sure how to go about this. I'm good at being goofy and, serious stuff often comes out wrong but, here goes:

Everybody here knows what a huge flirt I am. And it's always fun to flirt. But, I've been completely smitten by someone for a while now and we're a thing. I'm absolutely in love with her but, I'm not in a place where I can really say who it is.

I thought the best thing for me to do would be to continue to be "Duke the flirt" until the time came when I could openly let the whole thing out. But, I can't do that. It doesn't feel right to me and I know she isn't comfortable with it.

So, "Duke the goofball" will continue to be seen here on the site but "Duke the flirt" has to stop.

When the timing is right for it, I'll let everyone know who it is but, until then, I'd appreciate it if you would not ask. There are reasons at this time that I'm not at liberty to discuss it.

Thanks for understanding.

Duke (Kenny)

Duke 8 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Good for you both and congrats!



If you and l can't flirt with each other what do we have? ??

F*ckk that woman. What do YOU have in mind?

@Duke LOL..l hope this works for you. I hope your son is doing well..

@Sticks48 He is doing very well, my friend!

@Duke That is GREAT! ?


That's fantastic Kenny..great news.

FURTHERMORE ..My unrequited flirtations will cease ?

Yeah, it was getting a little uncomfortable for the rest of us @Hitchens. You're so mushy ?


Hey! He likes Mushy.. Lol

@Hitchens, @OpposingOpposum you guys are cracking me up ?????


Thanks for letting me down easy, Duke. 😉


I was waiting for the punchline! Seriously that’s awesome for you and I super appreciate you taking your lady friend’s feelings into consideration and no longer being flirty. What a sweet guy ???

Best of luck to you both!

I was also waiting for his Still not completely sure he's serious!


As soon as she gets out of prison, you let us hear, hear?

Any tips you can give me about conjugal visits would be extremely beneficial. You can leave out the stuff about male prisoners though. Eeeww...

@Duke really? Orientation shaming? Here? Come on.


Good on you, friend. you’re one of the funniest mf’ers around here n it’s good to see you’re just as honest. I don’t feel right flirting with more than one woman at a time either really. We’re a rare breed apparently. Congrats n all the best to you n whoever the lucky lady is! No clue but I bet it’s someone I equally admire.


Sounds like the honorably knightly thing to do that is paying honor to her feelings.


That is wonderful ! I'm so happy for you!




Happiness to you both.


That's wonderful!

Thanks! You'll get all the details soon. I really am done in by this woman!


You under-estimate yourself - you did that serious stuff really well! 😉 Best wishes to you both.

Awww... thanks!


Nicely done Kenny!


Best Wishes to you Kenny, and the the recipient of your adoration.

Thanks! If we can survive the shit-storm of secrecy that we need to go through for a while, we'll be fine And you'll all be surprised but say to yourselves "Oh, that makes sense" Because it really does make sense. My life makes sense with her. Without her, my life is just a bunch of one-liners that really make no sense.

@Duke I do so hope it works out and that you can celebrate in the open some day, since it seems to be important to you that you can. ((( hugs )))

@Qualia It really is important. Love can't spread it's light if it's under a rock. And love loves to be shared. Love loves to be loved by love. Then it grows and just becomes bigger love.


Wishing you fulfilling days, health and peace to enjoy the days with.


Aww! Awesome. I knew you'd be snatched up. 😉

I really tried to be a bachelor but, she made it so damned difficult to be alone.


I hope you're both as happy as you can be. I wish you both much happiness
and success moving forward.
I'm so tickled for you both.

I was already as happy as I thought I could be. This shit now... it's like some movie scene. Unreal.

@Duke Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! 😉


Hope it works out for you.


Great news. The best to both of you on your journey. ?


Have missed seeing your posts but wish the best in your new relationship. We'll see you when we see you.


Don't get your hopes too high Kenny because I think after she divorces Trump he will probably deport her.


Always happy to hear good news. Best wishes to you and whoever 😉


Good for you and her.

Thank You!!!


Congratulations Duke! So happy for you both!

Thank you! (((HUGS)))

@Duke you're welcome! (((Hugs back)))


Great news. May the force be with you both.

And also with you!

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