How much does it bother you when a person on the internet corrects your spelling, grammar, or misuse of a word? Do you correct others for these things? Do you want to correct others but you refrain because it might spark drama?
I used to be a grammar nazi (intentionally not capatilizing). In a world with "hru" or "wtf" I really don't care too much. Used to point out lots of errors, however, most get offended, and most can figure out what I am saying.
I usually think it's funny. Especially when people post things like, "Your such a moron!"
Oh, the irony!
I would be happy if auto correct would not second guess me ?
Auto correct can go straight to he'll.
I edit for pay. If you don’t pay, I don’t care how you write. And don’t correct mine; errors are usually due to me trying to text without glasses on.
I never realized how much work editors did until spending 10 years on the editorial board of a newspaper.. My first signed editorial, I handed over to one of the editorial staff what I thought was a perfect piece, a week later it was ready for publication.
It usually doesn't bother me when someone corrects me (or I see a mistype from someone else).
It does bother me when I see memes that have errors though. I just feel that if you're taking the time to do a meme, you should make sure it's correct.
It's not a meme without at least one error. (I keep telling myself that to keep from going apoplectic.)
I couldn't care less ! I have worked very hard to learn English . And was in USA less than 5 yrs when I got my degree w 4.0 gpa. Hey , that counts for something guys , right ?? ?♥️?I wish I knew all the words and how to spell and not just medical ! But I don't . 23 years here and still hard time spelling certain words , and be thankful u can't hear my accent ! Hahahahah ! I AM THANKFUL WHEN PEOPLE CORRECT MY errors ! It's the only way to learn . Who cares about ego or embarrassment ? Nobody feeds me or my dogs than me ????
I never correct anybody and I find it really annoying to be corrected on social media, it’s not like I’m writing a college paper. If emoji‘s are acceptable I’ll spell the word anyway I want, LOL
I could care less either way. If l get the gist of what they are saying, l am fine. If someone is more interested in my spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure than what l am saying FUCK'EM. As far as l am concerned their priorities are completely wrong.
As long as I can decipher the words and understand what they are trying to say, I don't let it bother me. I never send posts or comments until I check my spelling and grammar and if I miss something I will edit what I have written as soon as I see my error.
Communication consists of message->encoding->transmission->decoding->message. If any meaning at all survives, that's a passing grade.
If you have the ability to correct and refrain from correcting unless expressly asked, you're possessed of talent and grace. If you insert corrections unsolicited, you're missing the grace; arguably the more important of the two.
I have posted corrections when it is a journalist who has made an error because journalists should hold themselves to a high standard in their written work. Other than that I don’t bother, although I do cringe inside at some errors.
What bothers me is people who do not make the effort to make their posts correct with regard to basic spelling, grammar and punctuation. It is not that hard. For all intents and purposes, you are what you write. In most cases, I do not know you, so your sole representation of your intelligence, diligence and pride, is what you write. If you are a sloppy writer, then I perceive you as a sloppy person.
I agree with you.
Some people are hard to understand, because they don't use punctuation, or they use the wrong version of words like to, too or there, their, they're, or they don't break their rambling down into paragraphs.
Things like that bother me, and unless it's my daughter, I just scroll past. If it's my daughter, I know she knows better, and I feel a responsibility to call her out.
My sister in law will post some of the most horrendous sentences you ever saw on Facebook. I can't understand them half the time. I don't correct people if I didn't raise them.
I'm always open to spelling and grammar correction. I try not to do any correcting unless what they write is incoherent, because I'm sick of the inevitable 'stfu, we're not in school' replies.
Having thick thumbs and auto correct i bite my tongue when others make spelling mistakes but i get a little irritable when people use the wrong word ?
This post was inspired by me seeing a person mixing up the words ensure and insure - it was the third such mixup I had read on this site in the last week
I don't really care how other people speak or write our language. Language is too fluid to expect it to remain static. Words I used as slang as a child are now in the dictionary. However, I will tease a friend when they use an incorrect word by taking the meaning of the sentence in a completely different direction than they intended. Sometimes it takes them a few replies to figure it out.
It's never happened as mine is usually good. I don't correct others. I find that the errors fall into two groups:
-The minor errors from fumbling fingers and the vagaries of auto spell checking. If the conversation is intelligent, a non-issue.
-If the grammar is poor, I adjust my expectations accordingly. Poor grammar = poor thinking. The worse the grammar, the more true that is. An instant no compromise turn-off if it is say considering someone you are interested in, or they in you, and a level-setter for expectation if in a general discussion or public meeting.
And don't flame me. I accept people as they are, don't judge and certainly do not criticize. We all do this one way or another.
I have, on occasion, issued a grammar alert when poor grammar obscures the intentions of the writer.
@JenBeberstein By the way, your posting has one typo, can you find it????? .... (Nahh..just messing with you: Grammar Police ??)
Are you pointing out my Oxford comma?
@JenBeberstein gotta say, you got me thinking... just for the record, please allow me to properly answer your original question seriously..... No, it does not bother me at all. We all make mistakes and that's how we all learn or at times, there are those pesky typos. It's all good.