What is favorite self care activity?
1 hour nap yesterday, 12 hour night shift last night and only able to sleep 4 hours today. In need of some shift work self care …
Eat clean. Prioritize sleep. Exercise-HIIT, strength, enough but do not overdo it. Don't abuse bad shit. Chill.
Works for me.
Pedicure and foot massage!
Hot tea and a good book....
During shift, plenty of water and good stretches when you can.
link: [healthline.com]
after shift you've nailed. Sleep!
plenty of others have suggested a massage appointment, do that too someday.
I hope your schedule gets less hectic, and your self gets the pampering you've well earned.
Hello BeccaVa, I do a rolling roster day and night shift, 12 hour shifts & have done for years. Firstly it never gets easier, you are constantly chasing sleep. A few tips, don't drink too much alcohol it ruins your sleep. Try not to obsess over how much sleep you're getting, stay relaxed. If you have your 4 hours and wake up, have a light meal & aim for another lay down before you head off to work. I find another hour or even 45 minutes in the afternoon makes a huge difference. Look after yourself when your rotation ends and get a good catch up sleep in on your time off. Don't stress you will be fine, your body does adjust to the odd hours and you will sleep when you really need it. Good luck.