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This may be my last post, have fallen in arrears , may have power disconnected soon, after my girlfriend, relatives and close friends, you have kept me going. Live long and prosper X

magicwatch 7 Sep 5

Enjoy being online again!

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thanks for all your kind replies. Thanks to my brother, I have been able to pay for this months internet bill etc


So sorry to hear you have fallen on such hard times. I hope things get better, and we are always here if you can access free WiFi. Hope friends and family are still able to rally round, try to keep positive....things can only get better.


I've lived in my car for the last year. I keep my laptop on the passenger seat and use public wifi.


An incredibly beautiful, poignant video. I hope things will turn around for you soon.


Peace and long life.


Sounds like that dream you've been living on , has become a nightmare .

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